Tuesday, December 24, 2013

End of cycle, term and year...and looking forward!

Merriment and happiness are in the air as winter has finally brought it's festive charm to our door steps! Always a nice time of year, when I curse the onset of winter (which I dislike greatly mind you!) despite loving the absolute lack of work/worry.

It is also a time, in between the jolly celebrations, to look back on your year and see what you have accomplished. As befits this goal, I have decided to undertake the task of creating this post!

I would like to preface this by saying that my weightlifting goals this year were thoroughly not met! I somewhat over estimated myself, and under estimated the barbell...But more so than that, I underestimated the absurdity of Mechanical Engineering 1B which totally ruined my day!

Either way, this was still a successful year of accomplishment for yours truly in the realm of weightlifting. Why, I believe this is the year that I learned how to Snatch / Clean and Jerk. Having started in November 2012, I spent the first at least two months simply trying to obtain the required flexibility for an Overhead squat (something I am still somewhat lacking in!). With that in mind, true technical training I felt began January. And the first co op term of 2013 (Jan-April) was an amazing time for me. Much progress was made, more of it being in movement and mindset than weight on the bar. Strength increased significantly throughout, and flexibility just got better and better. More than anything, body awareness improved drastically.

Just when things were set for me to burst from my suckyness in an explosion of awesomeness...1B Mech. Engineering slapped my face in to the ground with ruthless abandon. Unfortunately, I was simply unprepared for how little and inconsistently I would actually get to train this term. It took a big toll on moral! However, there were definite improvements made from when I did train. The main thing to improve here was the ability to pull under the bar without delay.

Finally, the third term of the year and my second co op term. I had really high hopes coming in to this one, and even ended up starting up this blog in eager anticipation. Unfortunately, early injury took a toll on not only moral but progress! Unfortunately, at least 2 out of 4 months were spent simply coping/ trying to figure out positioning and fixing imbalances caused by the injury (A lot of which still need fixing :( ). That being said, decent progress was made and things have definitely got better.

So, I ended the term/year with numbers significantly less than what I had hoped for. My excuses can be found above. However, it would be foolish to lose hope here. Progress is progress, and that alone is all important. I have learned a lot this year. The most important of which is that I can not trust Engineering to give me time to get strong!

Anyway, now that this training cycle is over it is time to look forward. Immediately, for this next school term, I will be putting the classical lifts aside. Instead, I will try my best to focus on strength. Namely squat/pulling. At the same time, I hope to work towards correcting some of those imbalances that have been bugging me.

The main reason for this is that I have less time to train during the school term, and focusing on strength requires less frequency/commitment I believe than trying to keep up with something as movement oriented as the Classicals. It is also beneficial. The idea being to increase classical weights not now, but in the future.

With that being said, this term starts with Smolov Jr. I will be running the famous program for Back Squats for the 2 weeks of winter break and the first week of 2A. After that, a reassessment will determine the next best path!

To cap off this long winded and lame post, here is a video of some Clean and Jerk PR's from the last day of the cycle. Unfortunately, having not snatched heavy for a month, I was not as successful in the other lift. But the potential is definitely there.

Monday, December 16, 2013

The Saga of Zammar the Great #3 - Queen of a fallen kingdom

The pearly laughter of children mingled immiscibly with the angry haggling of merchants and bustle of hundreds of people and animals. Colourful market stalls, bursting with all sorts of goods from food and clothes to charms and effigies, lined either side of a crowded dirt path. The road was divided into three lanes. An outgoing crowd on the right side, and incoming on the left. Both brimming with people that struggled individually against a mass of bodies. Courtesy was not a luxury afforded here. In the center was the thicker portion on which carriages and animals slowly trudged along in the morning traffic.

Captain Abasi, Commander of East-side defenses, looked out of the small carriage window with his one black eye. The aromatic smell of freshly cooked Suya drifted in, causing his lips to water just slightly. This was soon replaced with the unappetizing odor of manure as their cattle drawn carriage clambered on. It hit a bump, causing him to bang his head on the side of the curtain rod.

"Fuck. This is taking way too fucking long." He said, rubbing his forehead with a dark palm.

"Sorry sir, I didn't think it would be so crowded." stammered Private Chuma, who was sitting across in the cramped space.

"Of-fucking-course the market is going to be crowded you little shit head. Refugees need to eat too." The Commander turned to the cowering little boy, feeling his anger dissipate at the sight. Chuma was mighty incompetent, but Abasi had chosen him as a personal aide for his pure skin. Just the sight of it made him giddy with joy. The boy read an eighty eight on a blackness scale, almost as high as Abasi's ninety.  

It was his own blackness that had earned him this position. Kampalla, being as it was on the very frontier of the blacklands - bordering the neutral region that belonged to Torst, was too susceptible to foreign influence.  Kairo felt more truly black men were needed in positions of authority to bring the city back into line. The Pharaoh himself had asked Abasi, a war hardened man of devotion to the cause, to come and ensure that black supremacy and patriotism was always evident in the city. It had been the absolute pinnacle of his life, to meet the supreme leader; the blackest of them all in the long, ebony Hall of Kings.

Now however, with the recent flux of refugees from the east, managing the city defenses and entrance procedures was becoming increasingly difficult. The city too was far too crowded and filled with more people of lower blackness readings. The corruption angered him greatly, and he often cursed the city council for continuing with their low reading acceptance policies.

"It's not your fault, it's these fucking refugees."

Friday, December 13, 2013

Training - 13th Dec. 2013

Snatch Technique: Did off the blocks - ~ 1.5 hrs
Power Clean + Clean + Jerk: 165x4x (1+1+1)
Snatch Pull: 135x3x3
Ab Wheel 3x

Just winding down the cycle.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Training - 12th Dec. 2013

Clean and Jerk: 1+1 @ (175,185,190,185,175)
Front Squat: Worked up to 215x1, then 3 reps @ (185,195,200,205)
Push Press: 5x5 @ (115,120,125,120,115)
Glute Ham Raise: 5x5
Ab Wheel 3x

Not too bad today. Was intending to do Paused Front Squats, but just like Tuesday I ended up getting really dizzy really fast. It's very dizzying to hold your breath that long under load, but the main issue is that I was rushing my warm up I think. I jumped up to 185 pretty fast, and I think the body wasn't used to it.

Lessons learned!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Training - 11th Dec. 2013

Snatch Technique: More of the same for around 1.5 hrs.
Power Clean + Jerk: 155x4x (2+1)
Snatch Pull: 135x3x3
Ab Wheel 3x + Dips

Starting to realize that Snatch arm bend seems to be caused in part by imbalances due to recent injury and previous weaknesses. Will post more details at some point

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Weekly Training Video #6:- Dec 2nd 2013

This weeks log is a bit different. 

I've been working at Snatch technique. Specifically, reducing premature arm bend. It is proving to be an incredibly hard to break habit that throws everything else off if I try. 
I guess things have been getting better, but I am still a bit conflicted on whether I should be doing this at all. 

Pulls are going well for this, but Snatching seems to be a different story. This is why I'm doing complexes of Pulls + Snatch to try and ingrain good habits. 
I think a bit of arm bend is acceptable as it allows me to get a better position. I just need to consistent with it, and achieve that amount at heavy weights while being aggressive. 

So, this week I decided to make the video a bit more focused on the less mentioned accessory exercises. I included a few of the important ones I do as well as some tips for anyone who wants to try them! 

Training - 10th Dec. 2013

Snatch Technique: More technique work, I think I did a lot of pulls and up to around 3 doubles at 125
Front Squat: 195x1x3, 205x4x3
Ab Wheel 3x

Today was a bit weird. Was planning on doing the usual wave loading sequence for Front Squats. However, for some reason I started feeling really dizzy holding the bar for an extended period of time. So I decided not to do any 5 rep squats, opting for a few sets of 3.

I also skipped Jerks and Rows. Mainly because I ended up getting too distracted having fun / giving bad form advice to a couple of gym bro friends. Good times were had, so I don't mind too much.

Nearing the end of the cycle anyway.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Training - 7th Dec. 2013

Snatch Technique: Snatch Pull + Snatch up to 125x3x1+1, 135x1
Back Squat: Upto 255, 235x3x3, 215x2x6
Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Press: 75x5x7
Rows: 3x10

Unfortunately the PAC closes sooner this time of year on weekends. Training is thus thrown in to a chaotic swirl as I have a tough ish time training earlier. Oh well, suck it up right!

End of the week conclusions about Snatch technical improvements. Things are getting better, but this is something I'm still sort of conflicted about. Lat activation has improved significantly, but I still have a tendency to bend my arms right at the end of the second pull. However, the amount I bend corresponds to how much I would have to bend to get the bar in to my hips with the narrow grip. This leads me to think that it is acceptable.

^ The above is with lighter weights. A next step would be transferring to heavier stuff.

Next term is going to be a strength phase, so Snatching will probably be purely technical for a while, Snatch Pulls and etc. Hopefully things are awesome by the end of it. I'm hoping I end the term with a big strength capacity, allowing for many PRs.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Training - 6th Dec. 2013

Snatch Technique: Pulls from Blocks + Snatch Upto 115x3x1+2, 125x1x1
Power Clean + Clean + Jerk: 165x(1+1+1, 1+1+1, 0+1+1,1+0)
Snatch Pull: 95x2x5, 115x2x3, 135x2x3
Ab Wheel 3x + Dips

Starting to register cues for technical fixes. I'll have to do a write up on how I go about correcting errors when I really start cracking down on technique. But a good sign is when I start thinking of cues that work.

Other than that, was really fatigued for the Clean and Jerks. But I ended up realizing what was pulling me forward (Hips rising a bit too much sometimes), so not too bad either.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Training - 5th Dec. 2013

Clean and Jerk: 1+1 @ (175,185,190,185,175)
Paused Front Squat: 185x5x3
Push Press: 5x @ (115,120,125,120,115)
Glute Ham Raise: 5x5
Ab Wheel 3x

Pretty happy with today. Clean and Jerks have been getting a lot better. It's mainly Power Cleans now, which I'm fine with. Slowly going to work on receiving lowers AND tight.

Issue has always been that if received at parallel or lower, I would get absolutely crushed. Been working on Power cleans- tightening up legs and torso as quick as possible to prevent that happening. Still needs improvement, but getting there.

Also, Paused front squats haven't been done in a while. Was surprised that 185 was not nearly as hard as 175 used to be :D

Training - 4th Dec. 2013

Snatch Pull + Snatch off the blocks: Worked up to a few sets of 115x(1+2)
Power Clean + Jerk: 2+1 @ (155,160,165,165*) *missed second clean
Clean Pull: 175x3x3, 185,195,205x1x1
Ab Wheel 3x

More of the same with Snatches. Snatching off the blocks is good technical practice. For some reason, thinking about the double knee bend helps with reducing premature arm bend.

Training - 3rd Dec. 2013

Snatch Pull + Snatch: Worked up to a couple of sets at 125
Front Squat: 3x(5/3/1) @ (185/195/205), (190/200/210), (195,205,215)
Jerk off the rack: Worked up to 200x1

(Updating late because I forgot)

More technical practice on the Snatch. It's a bit annoying to have to do technical practice at the end of my co op term when I should be going for PR's. However, I've found that this arm bend is very hard to fix, and to do will require focus as well as time. I also don't want to practice bad form and make it worse.

As of now, I've figured things out pretty well on Snatch Pulls. The idea behind doing a Pull + Snatch is to better transfer that to the Snatch

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Training - 28th Nov. 2013

Snatch Pulls up to 135x3 and then Power Snatches up to 115
Back Squat: Upto 255, 235x3x3, 215x2x6
Glute Ham Raise: 5x5
Ab Wheel 3x

More technique work on Snatch. Back squats were tough today, was pretty tired from work and constant lack of sleep.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Training - 27th Nov. 2013

Clean and Jerk: 1+1 @ (175,185,185,185,175*)
Snatch Pulls from ground, bunch of sets capping in 135x3x3
Ab Wheel 3x

Similar to yesterdays session. Clean and Jerks starting to improve, crashed a bit on the second 185 but the other two were pretty good. Missed 175 Clean, got a bit forward.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Training - 26th Nov. 2013

Power Clean + Clean + Jerk: 165x4x(1+1+1)
Snatch Pulls from the Blocks: Upto I think 135x3x3, lots of reps at 115 and 95
Ab Wheel 3x

More form work for Snatches, getting better at timing the arm pull.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Training - 25th Nov. 2013

Snatch Pulls without Rebend - I think I went up to 135x2x3..did a lot of sets at lower weights
Power Snatches: I think 115x2x2
Front Squat: 3x(5/3/1) @ (185/195/205, 190/200/210, 195/205/215)

This weeks going to be a bit different since it's only a 4 day week for me. (going home on Friday). I decided I'll take a little break from the program and focus on some technical stuff. Today I was pulling with straight arms and activated lats and then Snatching for some transferability.

Snatching with straight arms doesn't really work very for me unless I widen my grip, which I don't want to. Pretty conflicted on this technical conundrum. Hopefully the smart men at Reddit can help me out.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Weekly Training Video #5:- Nov 18th 2013

Pretty crappy week for Snatching again. Big part of that is technical adjustments. Trying to get more Lat activation to reduce the arm bend a bit. Not only hard but throws me off the groove majorly.
Pretty confused on how much arm bend is optimal for me, it allows me to use a narrower grip while still pulling high to my hips...But more arm bend also results in a reduction of Hip Power output, and I think it probably affects timing on the receive.

Arm bend on clean is pretty freakishly awesome though.  :D

Lat activation started getting much better towards end of week.
As far as I can tell, the bar path looks alright. I'm sure there's room for improvement though. Need to do that for the Clean too.

I think a video got cut short here by accident (that 165 CJ was meant to have a Power Clean at the beginning :D )

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Training - 23rd Nov. 2013

Snatch: 135: (0+0, 1+1, 0+1), 140x3x0
Back Squat: Upto 255x1x1, 235x3x3, 215x2x6
Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Press: 65x5x7
Glute Ham Raise: 5x5
Rows: 120x3x10
Ab Wheel 3x

Blergh! Pretty sucky session. Was tired and not really up to it going in, and then more attempts at technical adjustments resulted in some blergh Snatching (or lack thereof!)

Squatting felt far too heavy. Same weights as last week, except last week I had an extra day of rest first. 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Training - 22nd Nov. 2013

Power Snatch + Snatch: 125: (2+1, 2+0, 0+1, 2+0)
Power Clean + Clean + Jerk: 165x4x(1+1+1)
Snatch Pull: 135x3x3, 145x1x1, 155x1x1
Ab Wheel 3x

Snatches didn't go too well today as is evident. Probably the worst session as far as # of made lifts so far in this cycle. However, I did bump up the weight significantly for this complex...while also making a bunch of technical adjustments so it is fully expected.
Good thing is that the Lat activation was feeling a lot more prevalent today.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Training - 21st Nov. 2013

Clean and Jerk: 1+1 @ (175,185*, 185,185, 175)
Front Squat: Upto 225, 3reps @ (195,200,205)
Push Press: 115x5x5
Glute Ham Raise: 5x5
Ab Wheel 3x

Getting a bit better at receiving tighter. Thinking Power Cleans...Can Power clean 185 which is 5 lbs from my best. So, lots of room for improvement. Or at least a lot of pulling strentgh.

Sucky thing: ended up front squatting a single @ 205 when warming up with an uneven bar (ended up being 210 with an extra 5 on the left side where I got hurt!) . Back felt bad...but not too bad. Oh well, gotta be careful.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Training - 20th Nov. 2013

Snatch Pull + Snatch from Blocks: 125x2x (1+1) 135* Miss
Power Clean + Jerk: 155x4x (2+1)
Clean Pull: 3 reps @ (165,170,175), 1 @ (185, 195)
Ab Wheel 3x
Dips 3x

mmm got too carried away chatting away with friends and a short session turned way too long :p
No worries, good times had are always awesome.

Lat Activation better on Snatching from the blocks. Still, when weight is heavier and I start thinking to pull hard with arms for the third pull, they often pull too soon.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Training - 19th Nov. 2013

Snatch: 135x(2,2,1,2,1)
Front Squat: 5/3/1 @ (180/190/200), (185/195/210), (190,200,220)
Jerk: Mainly Singles up to 200

Got in a bit late today, so skipped the Ab stuff.

Right side of the back was feeling a bit off all day, tight traps and the such. Unusual, and bugged me during snatches and front squats, but afterwards felt more or less fine.

Dear Lats, why do you not heed my call? :(

Weekly Training Video #4:- Nov 11th 2013

Decent week. Wasn't really feeling the Snatches though. 

Focusing on Lat Activation when Snatching and receiving tight when cleaning

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Training - 16th Nov. 2013

Snatch: 135x2x2, 140x1x(1+0), 145x2x0
Back Squats: Upto 255, 235x3x3, 215x2x6
Behind the Neck Sn.Grip Press: 65x5x7
Glute Ham Raise: 5x5
Rows: 120x3x10
Ab Wheel 3x

Not the best day for Snatching. Wasn't really feeling it, form broke down a bit. Failed 145 twice and just called it. The 135s went well, but afterwards was a bit bleh.

Much better for Back Squats though, felt strong and fast.

Weird shin pain. Shin splints...are those a thing? Wonder how this happened, doesn't really seem lifting related but I digress.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Training - 15th Nov. 2013

Power Snatch + Snatch: 2+1 @ (115,115,120,125)
Power Clean + Clean + Jerk: 4x1+1+1 @ 165
Snatch Pull: 135x3x3, 145x1x1, 155x1x1
Dips 2x, Ab wheel 3x

Lots of focus currently on better activating lats during the pull on the Snatch and receiving tighter in the clean.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Training - 14th Nov. 2013

Clean and Jerk: 1+1 @ (175,185,185,185,175)
Front Squat: Heavy single upto 225, 3 reps up to 195, 2x5 @ 115 for speed
Behind the neck Sn.Grip Press: barx2x10, 65x2x7
Glute Ham Raise: 5x5
Ab Wheel + Rows 3x

Decided to change things a bit. Plan is to Clean and Jerk heavy singles more often. Idea being that I panic at heavier weights and also need to better control the descent of the bar. Tomorrow I'll do more reps.

Back felt bleh, but this is the most intense day for it. Happy with Front Squats at least.

Tried doing Push Press, but was a bit iffy with the back so I decided not to risk it and just switch it with the presses.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Training - 13th Nov. 2013

Snatch Pull + Snatch from blocks: 95x2x(4+1), 105x2x(3+1), 115x3x(2+1), 125x1x(1+1), 135x(+1)
Power Clean + Jerk: 155x4x(2+1)
Leg extension clean pull: 165x3x5
Ab Wheel, stretching

Pretty good.
Changed the type of clean pull, but this one ended up being a bit weird on the back. Primary focus was better activation of lats.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Training - 12th Nov. 2013

Snatch: 130x(2,1,2), 135x(2,2)
Front Squat: 3x (5/3/1) @ (175/185/195, 180/190/205, 185,195,215)
Jerk: 135x3x2, 155x2x2, 165x1, 175x1, 190x1
Ab Wheel 3x

Always a bit weird to train after a few days off.
But not a bad day at all.

Front Squats were iffy with the back, but afterwards it felt great. So I'm not really sure what to think. It seems like the back does NOT like me NOT training for a while. Which is weird.
Skipped Facepulls/Rows, opting for some stretching instead.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Weekly Training Video #3:- Oct 27th 2013

Snatch PR is not really a big thing, considering it's 5lbs. But, it is infinitely more confident than my previous 150. Additionally, recently training hasn't been going too well, so it was well needed for mental happiness. 

Can and should be doing more.

(It's at 3:37)

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Training - 7th Nov. 2013

Back Squat: Work upto 245, 225x3x3, 205x2x6
Face Pulls 3x, Ab wheel 3x

Still going relatively easy on squats. Still not really back to full strength on them either. Haven't been squatting enough recently, and haven't had the opportunity to load accordingly. All in due time.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Training - 6th Nov. 2013

Snatch: Maxing. New PR of 155lbs (70kg)!
Push Press: 115x5x5
Glute Ham Raise: 5x
FacePulls 3x, Ab Wheel 3x

Yay! Finally a Snatch PR. Today was a BONUS day. Since I didn't want to start a new week because I won't get a chance to train this weekend, I decided to max Snatch today and finish the week tomorrow with squatting.

Anyway, things have not been going well. I've been feeling pretty depressed about training, so a PR is exactly what I needed. and, it was WAY more confident than my previous best of 150.
Good times!!

Can definitely do more. Tried 160, was out of gas at that point unfortunately, so it didn't go so well.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Training - 5th Nov. 2013

Power Snatch + Snatch: 115x4x(2+1)
Clean Complex: Clean Pull from the blocks x2, Power Clean from blocks, Clean, Jerk 4x@135
Snatch Pulls: 2x3, 1x3 (long pull)
Rows 3x, Ab Wheel 3x

So last times re agitation of the previous injury lasted longer than I wanted. Was testing the waters today, and was happy with the results. Back felt asleep, and waking it up is tricky.

For some reason, Snatch Pulls are hurting the left shoulder. Must be due to inactivation of upper traps.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Saga of Zammar the Great #2 - Tristan

She was standing at the crest of a small hill, the winds blowing her long black hair violently. Black clouds rolled over head, hiding the full moon and dousing the Earth in their fury. A flash of lightning. For a single fleeting moment, an immense ivory tower illuminated in the distance. At it's flat cap, a stream of red cloth billowed wildly, attached to the hilt of a greatsword.

Shielding her face from the fury of the storm with an arm, she trudged slowly down the hill and across a muddy plane to the tower. She had to climb it. She didn't know why, but it was important. She had to reach that sword. Another flash of lightning as she approached the ivory walls. A face grinned out at her. No, a decorative carving she decided.

She felt the smooth ivory and found recesses and openings large enough to lodge her hands and feet in. She started the arduous ascent. Her left arm hurt.

Hours seemed to pass and still she climbed. Against strong winds and rain battering her face. Her limbs burned fiercely. She looked down, there was only darkness. She closed her eyes and continued the climb. Another flash of lightning. Another face grinned out at her from the tower. Bright white light illuminating empty eye sockets. She used it as the next opening to lodge her hand in and continued upwards.

Centuries passed before she reached the top. Her arms, ready to give out, thrust her body upwards one last time as she scrambled on to the flat surface, lying flat on her back, breathing heavily. She closed her eyes against the stinging rain, losing mind to the mysteries of the unconscious. A flash of white light illuminated her eye lids, the distant roar of thunder breaking her trance. Not yet she thought. She had work to do.

She clambered to her knees and stood up. There was no sword. A sinking feeling in her chest. She was always useless. She began to walk towards the far edge of the tower. An audible crunch ripped through the noise of the storm. She looked down, there lay a cracked skull. Human. Child. Her eyes wide with fear, she backed away. Another crunch. She ran to the edge, the roar of thunder drowning out the breaking of bones. As she reached the edge, another flash of lightning illuminated the world.

Beneath her lay the ruin of a mighty civilization. Tall walls, broken. A shadow of their former glory. Houses, crumpled to the ground. A reminder of memories long lost. An immense statue of a mighty warrior, once glorious. Now, shackled in submission. The entire picture painted with the bones of the once living.

She backed away, shaking her head in denial. Her foot caught on something. A bone, sticking high out of the tower. She fell backwards, her arm looking for the ground that wasn't there. She tumbled off the edge of the bone tower. The flat turreted roof rushing away and into the stormy sky. She fell, on and on it seemed. Forever, into the darkness.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Training - 31st Oct. 2013

Clean and Jerk: 165: (1+1, 2+1, 2+1), 175: (1+1), 185: (1+1), 195: (1+press out)
Glute Ham Raise: 5x5

blergh. Not a good day in anyway. Felt super tired, and even ended up missing a relatively easy clean at 165.

However, for some reason I decided to go for a PR attempt, loading 195 on the bar. Pretty ugly clean and then a press out...so I guess it sort of succeeded?

Issue was, after said "PR" my back injury was starting to act up again, and I didn't want to risk Front Squatting...So I didn't Front Squat. Kindve glad I didn't, since it's not feeling 100% right now.
Hopefully will be better tomorrow, have to move things around to get all the things in now :p


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Training - 30th Oct. 2013

Snatch Pull + Snatch from the Blocks: 95x2x(3+1), 105x2x(2+1), 115x2x(1+1), 125x1x+1
Power Clean + Clean + Jerk: 4x1+1+1 @ 155
Clean Pull: 3x3@(165,170,175), 1 @ (185, 195)
Rows: 3x10 @ 120
AB Wheel 3x

Snatch Pulls from the blocks and Rows really irritated my back injury last time I did them, so I was a bit cautious coming into todays session. But it really didn't go all that bad.

Left should felt some strain/pain during Snatch Pulls, due to upper trap tightness....caused by that injury. Overall though, things are starting to look up. Hopefully more pulls help the upper back to activate in the appropriate way and prevent that trap tightness (which is too damn common these days).

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Training - 29th Oct. 2013

Snatch: 130: (1,2,2,1,2)
Front Squat: 3x(5/3/1) @ (175,185,195), (180,190, 200), (185, 195,205)
Jerk: 135x2x3, 155x2x2, 165x1, 175x1, 190x1
Face Pulls + 3x Abwheel roll out

Moved the week forward by a day in due to a possibility of going home next week...Always thinking ahead!
Snatching could have gone a bit better, but considering that I had one day of rest instead of two, and that I was using a different bar (really threw me off more than it should have) and also that I was lifting 130 for doubles instead of the usual 125, it was not bad at all.

Front Squatting still relatively conservative, but it feels heavy. Back is feeling alright though.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Training - 27th Oct. 2013

Snatch: 125x2x2, 130x1x2, 135: (0,0,1), 140x1, 145x0
Back Squat: Single upto 245, 225x3x3, 205x2x6
Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Press: 65x5x5
Glute Ham Raise: 5x5
Face Pulls + Ab wheel: 3x

Pretty happy with today. Snatching went wonderfully, as in the Snatches felt wonderful. For some reason, and this has been happening more frequently, I started panicking once 135 was on the bar. So I missed it twice just out of sheer lack of concentration/conviction. Dropped down to 125 to remind myself that I am a badass, then went back up, 135 was good, 140 felt amazing.

145 was SO CLOSE, I was really tired at that point and not actually expecting to make the lift. So when I received it, I was way too surprised and by the time I had gotten over the surprise, I lost the lift :(

That mental game.

Back Squats, still feeling tougher than they should. They really are not my forte.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Training - 26th Oct. 2013

Drop Snatch: 95x3, 105x2x3, Snatch Balance: 115x3, 125x1
Clean from blocks + Clean + Jerk: upto 155
Face Pulls + Ab Roll out: 3 sets

Back was irritating me all day today. Nothing too serious, but it had been feeling great recently so I didn't want to take too many risks in todays training. Was meant to Snatch from blocks and do a long clean complex, but both of those irritated it in the back. Same thing goes for the planned Snatch Pulls.

It's alright, not really worth getting re injured.

Drop Snatches are something I've been meaning to do more of. The idea is to drop beneath a bar on your back into an overhead squat, no dip/drive as there would be in a Snatch Balance or Jerk. Resultingly, you can practice receiving a weight as low as possible, which is something I need a lot of practice on. Snatch Balances are the same, except there's a small dip/drive to help get the bar off meaning you can lift a lot more.

Excited for tomorrow.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Training - 25th Oct. 2013

Clean and Jerk: 2+1 @ (160, 165, 165), 1+1 @ (175, 185* (miss jerk), 185)
Front Squat: Upto 215 for a single, 3r x (155,165,175,185,195)
Push Press: 115 x 5 x 3
Glute Ham Raise: BW 4x5
Rows: 3x30,
Ab wheel roll out 3x

The training fatigue is really starting to catch up to me. But not too bad. I'm surprised at consistency despite being tired, and the lifts don't look THAT bad (:

Clean and Jerk, need to really get tighter in the pull, which will hopefully transfer to a tighter receive. Cleans taking a lot of energy, mainly because at heavier weights when I'm being aggressive, the bar crashes on me, making it much harder to get up/stay tight, leaving less in the tank for a good jerk.

BUT, it is getting better. Hopefully training consistency provides some good results.

Will be Front Squatting heavier, but felt too tired after the Clean and Jerks.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Training - 24th Oct. 2013

Power Snatch + Snatch: 115 x 4 x( 2+1)
Power Clean + Clean + Jerk: 155x4
Clean Pull: 165x(3,3,3), 175x1, 185x1
Ab roll out + Face Pulls (3x30)

The combination of low sleep, busy day at work and intense fatigue from yesterdays session left me really tired for this one. With that in mind, not the worst ever. Power movements are hard when your legs are so tired, so much easier to just allow yourself to ride down, but that's just a better reason for me to do them here. Need to be better at resisting the momentum of the bar.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Training - 23rd Oct. 2013

Snatch: 125x(2,2,2), 130x(1,2)
Front Squat: 3x(5/3/1) @ (170,180,190), (175,185,195), (180,190,200)
Jerk: 135x2x3, 155x2x2, 165x1, 175x1, 185x1
Facepulls: 3x30
Ab Wheel Rollout 3 sets

First real day back. Went well. Haven't Snatched 130 nearly that often, and for some reason my mind wasn't really up to it. Wasn't too happy with any of the 130 reps, was hardly heavier, was just too scared and form broke down.

Took it easy on Front Squats, because as expected...they felt incredibly heavy. These weights are relatively light, but having not Front Squatted or even cleaned in a while, they were hard.

Jerking off the rack here is more technique focused. Today I was trying to reduce the dip/drive depth, felt good and strong.

Overall, pretty good. Left Hamstring acting a bit funny (tight and kindve irritated, but I'll probably just work through it...and probably regret it later :D)

Friday, October 18, 2013

Training - 18th Oct. 2013

Snatch: 125 x (2,2,2,2,1)
Back Squat: 185 x (8,8,8,8)
Back Activation stuff: Sn. Grip OHPress, Facepulls
Side Planks 2 sets of 30 secs

Decided not to Front Squat because that's what caused the injury. Yet Back Squats irritated it a fair bit more than the Snatches. Decided to not go heavy, did 8 rep squats for the first time ever today. Was pretty damn tiring :p
Side Planks are all about getting this left oblique working in tandem with the right one.

On another note, right hip super tight. Right hip has always been tighter than left since a glute injury a long time ago. Something I need to focus on I think.

Been a while, but hopefully I'll be starting back up regularly now. Back is not 100% its more like 60%, but it feels more like an inflamation/irritation and so far training specifically hasn't made it worse. Rather, I feel like it's making it a tiny bit better, because going 5 days without training on the long weekend resulted in a lot more pain.

So yeah, will train now, with slight modifications. (hopefully)

....Oktoberfest tomorrow!

Monday, October 14, 2013

On learning to deal with injury

The past few weeks have been tough for me. Well, mentally tough-not so much physically. The simple reason being too injured to train.

Injury is a massive part of Weightlifting. The majority of that part of course being the avoidance of the aforementioned. Despite that, injury at some point is inevitable. They say that if you aren't getting injured, you aren't doing something right. I do agree with this sentiment.

I've read a few articles claiming that Weightlifting is one of the safest sports, statistically speaking. I'm not really sure what to make of these though, personally I've always thought that Weightlifting is a sport that happens in the training hall, not the competition platform. Too little time is spent on the platform to be an accurate representation of how common injuries are in the sport. At the same time, I feel like the two weightlifting movements (when performed correctly) are inherently safer than a lot of other sports. Luge and Horseback Riding both being examples. Even in football (soccer), I feel like injuries would be more common.

But the fact of the matter is that heaving a heavy weight over your head continuously is bound to have some sort of consequences for the body.

I must throw this bar weighing 3 times myself over my head, the Supreme Leader will protect me from injury!

Most common in Weightlifting would probably be soft tissue injures. So things like a strained back or pulled Hamstring. These are combined with overuse injuries. After years and years of lifting, I'm sure that the stresses on your joints would cause some issues. The more rare case would be something like a dislocated elbow or shoulder. Worst is probably a spinal injury...

Injuries seem to correspond directly to own muscular weaknesses, disproportion or tightness. They are pretty individualized, and everyone seems to suffer from their own personal set. Yet a lot of things can be better fixed by improving positioning and technique. Inherently, when performed correctly, the two lifts are safe. They use the body in an efficient and ergonomic way, and with the proper activation of musculature many injuries can be avoided. 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Saga of Zammar the Great #1 - Torst

Ren crouched to pick the flower, a purple one...Browallia Bluebells she recalled, loves shade. It was hard to find a sun loving species in the valley, but Ren didn't mind. She liked the shade and all of the shade loving flowers. Her eyes followed the great cliff face in the distance, she had to crane her neck before she could see the top. There she gazed at the massive overhanging rock that covered almost half of the valley, blocking out the sun and elements. It was more than a few hundred meters higher than her current elevation, and jutted out mostly unsupported for almost a kilometer from the cliff edge. Slanting upwards, the ledge reached its highest point towards the far edge.

With a sigh, she added the Bluebells to her basket. A few strands of hair, long, silky and deep black, rustled by the wind covered her eyes, green eyes. She sighed again, brushing them off to the side. Her thoughts were drawn to the stories of the outside world; the vast mountain range that separated this valley from the rest of civilization, remembering the tales of all the fascinating creatures and amazing culture outside the great cliff walls. Ren wondered if she too would ever see them with her own eyes. She wished, for a moment that she could fly.

No, she couldn't leave. Turning around, Ren gazed across the great valley. She was standing on a ledge that jutted out of the cliff face and was part of the forest on the right edge of the valley. Her favorite spot. From here she could see everything. The other side of the valley was an almost identical mirror image to the one she was on. There too, a great cliff face was capped by a massive overhanging rock. The two rocks reached for each other overhead, separated by a gap that spanned the central portion of the valley. Since the valley ran from West to East, this gap was the only strip of area touched entirely by the suns light. 

Gazing downwards towards the road, Ren spotted a farmers family trudging along the thick road, their pack mule straining under its burden. She felt sorry for the animal, and the family...but Pa always said that you can't give too much to the poor because they will become dependent and unable to live on their own. She followed their progress until they reached the Pillars of Augenmar then lost attention and looked to the city of Torst. Her city. 

How could she ever think to leave it behind? Torst, the first and only multiracial city in the world. Built into the side of Mount Romsdalen at the end of the valley, beyond the great overhanging rocks, Torst had stood unharmed for centuries. Its great outer walls glinted in the rising sun, casting a shadow on the roads in front. These walls, made of smooth white stone rose over fifty meters, hiding and protecting the city behind. Above them, Ren could make out the middle levels, built higher into the mountain and protected by an even taller wall. She had to crane her neck to see the final level with its great domed cathedrals and spires. On either side of the city was an immense statue.

The Great Warrior on the left and the Great Intellectual on right. The unknown founding fathers of Torst. The warrior's mighty arms rested on the pommel of a massive greatsword that had been thrust into the ground, straight but for its jagged edge. His muscular chest popped from below a strapped leather tunic and a stone cape hid his back . A symbol of the cities might.

The Great Intellectual looked visibly more feeble, hunched over in a long robe. He held a book in his hand and was reading it with a crooked finger, a long beard flowed from the hooded face. His presence indicated the wisdom and intelligence of the cities citizens. The two had protected Torst since they together joined forces to found it in a world teeming with hatred. Or so the legend went.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Training - 4th Oct. 2013

Power Snatch + Snatch 6x1+1 @115
Back activation exercises

Don't know if anyone noticed, but I was on a bit of a week long hiatus there. It's not that I was too lazy to blog, I was actually just unable to lift due to the recurring back injury.

Not 100%. Probably going to spend most of next week doing more rehab.

What happened was that when Front Squatting, I made a stupid mistake and ending up compressing the left side of my middle traps. The resulting injury is pretty unforgiving. Constant icing + Ibuprofen definitely helping.

But the issue with these kinds of injuries is the more permanent effect they have on lifting.

I noticed this today, when Snatching, it felt like the left side of my back was asleep, it really was not activating at all in the way it was supposed to. Looking at videos, it was evident that the left side was visibly lower (pulled down by weight because it was unable to activate in a strong position) than the right.

So I really am just going to be focused on waking it up, and making it that it recovers in the appropriate manner. This is why i have been doing the "back activation exercises" - Snatch Grip OHPs and Rows are a mainstay in this, so is the front rack position.

Will probably spend this next week working on this and lifting more casually getting back into it. Get serious after Thanks Giving.

Pretty angry that I have to waste a good 3 weeks of my precious allotted 4 months of training. But injury is important because it teaches us many lessons. More on that another day.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Training - 26th Sep. 2013

Pull + Snatch from blocks: 3+1 @ (95) x2, 2+1 @ (105) x2, 1+1 @ (115) x2, 125x1, 130x1
Power Clean + Clean + Jerk: (135,145,155x2)
Clean Pull 3x3 @ 165,170,175
Dips 2 sets
ab wheel 3 sets

Pretty pissed off today. The back injury from 2 weeks ago came back yesterday. Was hoping I could work through today, but I feel pretty bad atm. It just feels like the mid traps on only the left side are super tight and it hurts through rotation. Was probably returned by a bad sleeping posture. Hopefully it gets better fast,
I need to get strong.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Training - 24th Sep. 2013

Snatch (5x2): 2,2,2,1,2 @ 125#
Front Squat: 3x(5,3,1) @ (175,185,195), (180,190,205), (185,195,215)
Jerk off the Rack: 2x3 @ 135, 3x2 @ 155, 1x(165,175,185)
Rows: 3x10
Ab Wheel Roll 3 sets

Was expecting today to be shitty, was kindve shitty but only in the way that I felt exhausted. Had to wake up at 6 for work this morning, so was not well rested. Front Squats were really hard, much harder than they should've been, but it just goes to show the importance of rest.

Snatches surprised me, felt a bit off at first, but worked into it pretty well and made 90% of the reps (I usually aim for 70%!)

Also, moving things over a bit to get more training on weekends when I'll be more rested.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

The fundamental Principle of Weightlifting

When I first started weightlifting, the squat portion of the lift didn't really make sense to me. I thought that the idea of the lift was to get the bar over head, then squat and then stand up and ta-da you are amazing!

However, upon starting I started to realize that the only purpose in the sport is to get the bar overhead. There is no need for a squat. So why then does everyone seem to end up in a deep squatted position when doing said throwing of weights over head? The answer to this question is the same as the answer to every question in this sport: to lift maximal weights overhead with minimal exertion.

To be honest, it didn't really start out this way. The origins of weightlifting interestingly involved something called a split snatch or a split clean. Where, similarly to a split jerk, the weight would be received in some sort of quasi lunge.

The now obsolete split Snatch  (really cool though!)
However, at some point smart lifters started figuring out that there was another way to lift. Many started lifting heavier weights by receiving in a deep squatted position.

An absurdly deep position! Like really? God damn asians! >=[

Well it's really simple. Let's say I asked you to lift a weight, do you think it would be easier to bend over and muscle the weight up onto your shoulders? Or would it be easier to get into a squat beneath the weight and stand up with it? I think intuitively it is pretty obvious. Our legs are amazingly strong, and can lift heavy weights much more easily than our arms/back/etc can manage in the positions they would have to be in to muscle something overhead.

So basically, the primary principle behind weightlifting would be the following:

Displace your body underneath the weight, allowing your legs to stand up with it.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Training - 20th Sep. 2013

Snatch: Singles upto 135, missed 140
Back Squat: 1 rep @(205-245) 3x3@225, 2x6 @ 205
GHR 5x5
Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Press: 2x10 @ 45, 3x8@65
Rows: 3x10
Ab wheel roll out

Hand was still hurting today but less than yesterday, Took a risk with Snatches, and I think it was okay. Bit of pain but tightly would wrist wraps supported the hand, and it actually felt better when snatching than it had all day. On another note, ripped callous hurts so much!
Snatching went pretty well.

Back Squats bit of an experiment. Never really experimented with heavy singles in my training before, it's something pretty new. The idea being to spend more time at heavier weights and teaching the body to handle a heavier weight better So I'm not going for a 1RM by any means, just a heavy single. Was surprised how tiring the heavy singles can be though. Relatively conservative, but hard anyway.

Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Presses were a bit risky due to the hand but I did them anyway at light weights. The idea behind this exercise is not really strength. It is assistance in activating the right musculature. My thought is that if I can forcefully externally rotate my shoulders through the movement, I place emphasis on the back muscles that I want active in the bottom position of the Snatch...Thus teaching them to wake up and be more alert. Will go heavier on these at some point once the hand heals, and eventually switch them to Sots Presses (same thing but doing it in a deep squat). It really feels tense on my back, honestly the shoulders feel nothing but that external rotation is really good for my weaknesses.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Training - 18th Sep. 2013

Clean & Jerk: 2+1 @ (155,160,165), 1+1 @ (175,180,185)
Front Squat: worked upto 225x1 (yay!!), 3 reps @ (160,170,180,190,200), 2x5 @(115 for speed)
Glute Ham Raise: ~5x5
Rows: 3x10
Ab Wheel Rollout 3x6-7

Working back into the Clean & Jerk. It's gotten much more consistent with technique adjustments that are usually considered bad (i.e. bent arms, says something about individuality in technique mastery)
Still having a hard time considering a strong extension with precision in receiving the bar. Hopefully Power Cleans Help with this.

Hit a PR Front Squat of 225 lbs pretty easily today. The results of Smolov Jr. Could have been a fair bit higher if I wasn't tired from the C&J's.
Also, for some reason my hand hurt so I decided to skip Push Presses. Callous ripped on left hand and also some sort of muscular pain on it's back. Hopefully it'll be okay tomorrow (:

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Training - 17th Sep. 2013

Pull + Snatch from blocks: 95x2x 3+1,   105x2x 2+1,  115x2x 1+1  125x 1, 130x 1
Power Clean + Clean + Jerk: 135x2 145x1 155x1
Clean Pull: 3x3: (165, 170, 175), 185x1, 195x1
Dips 1x10
Ab rollout thing 3x8ish

Second Session. Meant to be a lighter day, kept things easy. Still pretty tired though. Clean movement patterns not fully back yet.

Working up in sets very slowly with dips as I don't want to be too tight for the next days training session.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Training - 16th Sep. 2013

First session of the new program. Wasn't really used to doing Snatch doubles, so not the best performance there, needed more focus on the second lift. All the reps I got felt great though. The misses were close, probably could have got them if I had more conviction in holding the bar.
Also, was meant to Front Squat, but I felt that last weeks injury continued to haunt me and I didn't want to risk anything so I decided to Back Squat with the same rep scheme. Went relatively easy on Back Squats because I haven't back squatted in ~ 2 months

Snatch: 125 lbs:    1, 1, 2, 2, 1,
Back Squat: 3x(5,3,1) @ (185,200,210) , (195,210,220), (205,220,230)
Jerk: 135x2x3,  155x2x2,  165x1,   175x1
Rows: 3x10
Ab Wheel thing: 3x5-6?

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Current Status and moving forward

1B as a school term was...annoying to say the least. It resulted in me being unable to make any significant progress in weightlifting due to work. In all fairness, I could have planned things out better- shorter sessions, strength phase etc. But It is a learning experience.

I found that I was unable to gather enough training frequency and consistency through the term. Sometimes I would lift once a week, and another week I'd go twice but separated by many days. The final result is that the motor patterns required for a complex movement like the Snatch need to be constantly re primed and every single lifting session feels awkward, heavy and hard.

After school ended, I had two weeks to spend back home. Knowing that weightlifting in Richmond Hill would be a challenge, I decided to go all out with a squatting program. So I ran Smolov Jr. for Front Squats.

This was a good idea. My squatting is weak, and is a limiting factor for the Clean and Jerk. Smolov Jr is a 3 week Russian program which emphasizes a single lift. It forces you to lift 4 times a week, never doing less than 30 reps in a single session for the given lift and then increasing the weights each week. I found it to be amazingly effective.

Front Squats are tricky with high volume because the upper back fatigues really fast. This however was a further motivator for me to use them, Front Squats are probably the absolute most effective exercise I can personally do right now because they train all of my weaknesses - more on that later.

Anyway, it was hard. But effective, squatted heavier weights than before for way more volume much more easily. haven't tested max yet.

Unfortunately, I got myself slightly injured on the 2nd last day of Smolov Jr doing something a bit stupid so had to take ~5 days off and couldn't REALLY finish the program. Since then, I've done 3 sessions as a re priming of the classical lifts which I haven't done in a month and haven't REALLY done in 5 months. The official program starts tomorrow:

Current working Program starting 15/9/2013:

sets x reps
when sets are written out, the spaces indicate increase in weight
Two different exercises separated by a +  means super setting. 
Midsection encompasses all abdominal work, mainly going to be wheel roll out and some other ab stuff I just make up. 

Snatch (5x2)
Front Squat (wave loaded - 3x(5,3,1) wt. increasing each wave)
Jerk off the rack:  2x3,  3x2,  work up to a heavy single
Rows  3x8   +  Midsection

Pull (w/ rebound) + Snatch from blocks:  3+1, 3+1,     2+1, 2+1,    1+1, 1+1,    +1
Power Clean + Clean + Jerk:     4x
Clean Pull:   3x3,   1,   1
Dips 3x   +  Midsection

Clean and Jerk: 2x(2+1),   2+1,     1+1 until a heavy single for the day.
Front Squat: work upto near a 1RM, drop to ~70% of that and do 3s increasing until ~3rm, then 2x5 for speed.
Push Press:   5x5
Rows  3x8   +  Midsection

Power Snatch + Snatch:   5x(1+1)
Clean Complex: 4x (Clean from blocks + Clean from ground + 2x FS + Jerk.)
Snatch Pull:    3x3,   1,   1
Dips 3x  +  Midsection

Snatch:    2x2,     1x2,    work up to a heavy single for the day
Back Squat:  1,     3x3,      2x6
Glute Ham Raise:  5x    +    BTN Snatch Grip Press    5x5
Rows  3x8  +  Midsection

Probably go swimming? Make sure to do something physical.

It is somewhat Bulgarian in style in the sense that I have 3 intense days separated by 2 less intense days which I can also use for technical improvement.
Hopefully this works well, I will have to evaluate fatigue and progress as things go on and changes will for sure be made. An option is to lower squat volume on individual days and increase frequency by squatting every day (e.g. for 2 sets)

It will look something like:
M    A
T      B
W    C
Th    D
Fr     E
Sa     F
Su     Rest

New Beginnings

Sometimes triviality is the most elegant property.
Take for example my well loved sport of Weightlifting. To lift a barbell from the ground to over your head, is there any thing more trivial? What purpose is there in the movement of dead weight through which no benefit to others arises?

There really isn't, it is extraordinarily arbitrary.

Yet, is there anything that a man can do that is more badass? To lift a weight for no reason other than to lift it, to prove to others but mostly to himself that he has a strength previously unaccounted for? Is this not marvelous in it's own regard?

Many debate the meanings of life, all of us question our existence. Life is complicated, there is so much in the world. So much to see, so much to learn, to discover, to create, to give. But I do believe that some times it's the simple things that are more worth living for. Sometimes it's worth it to faze out all of the chaos, and allow yourself to focus on something arbitrary. To do things for no reason other than to just do them.

Such is one of the many reasons why I love this sport.

I started weightlifting ~ 9 months ago excusing ~4 months of near inactivity due to school (I make excuses). Progress since starting has been a major struggle with continuous setbacks and hurdles to overcome (this is obviously expected when starting out a new sport as technical as weightlifting). However, I feel like I am finally at a point where I can really begin this journey. Which is the purpose of this post, the announcing of this blogs revival.

I am not strong.
In fact, I am weak!
But I will be strong.
This blog will document said going from weak to strong.

I plan on making a (b)log as I call it. It shall be a training log of my daily lifting sessions with weekly or so longer posts that detail my ideas and thoughts. This won't always be weightlifting related.

For most of my friends, Olympic Style Weightlifting is a pretty major oddity. I hope that through joining me on this, you can gain some insight into a beautiful sport and maybe even try it out yourself! The main purpose of this log is to really look back on.With that being said, I shall begin an introductory post detailing the two competition lifts:

Olympic Weightlifting:

The aim of weightlifting is to lift a maximal weight from the ground to over head within the boundaries of certain constraints. Three attempts to lift any weight of the athletes choosing are given for each lift. There are two lifts in which this display of strength, power, flexibility, coordination and speed is tested. The Snatch and Clean and Jerk.

The Snatch:

The Snatch is the first movement tested in competition. It involves lifting a weight from ground to overhead in one motion. It is a lift that requires great precision, timing and coordination. It is also highly dependent on being very brave and just a tiny bit insane.

< Szymon Kolecki - One of the greatest Snatchers of all time
Generally, you will find that less weight is always lifted in the Snatch in comparison to the Clean and Jerk. This increases many fold once someone gets strong, it is much harder to lift 1 kg heavier in a Snatch at some point than it is for the C&J. I believe this to be the main reason why the Snatch World Records are much more clustered together across weight classes than the Clean and Jerk ones. This is of course mainly due to the nature of the lift, moving a weight to an overhead position in one movement is going to be harder than moving the same weight overhead in two movements.

The Clean and Jerk: 

The Clean and Jerk is the second movement tested in competition. A weight is lifted from the ground to the athletes shoulders in the clean portion, and then to the overhead position in the jerk. It is the lift that is probably more dependent on strength and benefits greatly from a strong squat.
Zulfiya Chinshanlo - World Record Holder for Clean and Jerk in the 53kg Category.
Insane weights have been moved overhead with the Clean and Jerk, it is the absolute most efficient way to do so.

Anyways, this post is long enough. I don't want to get too much into detail on the lifts for now. I'm not really qualified to teach, but I will probably describe them at some point.

Thank you for reading. I hope this blog is of some benefit (or interest) to you!