Saturday, December 7, 2013

Training - 7th Dec. 2013

Snatch Technique: Snatch Pull + Snatch up to 125x3x1+1, 135x1
Back Squat: Upto 255, 235x3x3, 215x2x6
Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Press: 75x5x7
Rows: 3x10

Unfortunately the PAC closes sooner this time of year on weekends. Training is thus thrown in to a chaotic swirl as I have a tough ish time training earlier. Oh well, suck it up right!

End of the week conclusions about Snatch technical improvements. Things are getting better, but this is something I'm still sort of conflicted about. Lat activation has improved significantly, but I still have a tendency to bend my arms right at the end of the second pull. However, the amount I bend corresponds to how much I would have to bend to get the bar in to my hips with the narrow grip. This leads me to think that it is acceptable.

^ The above is with lighter weights. A next step would be transferring to heavier stuff.

Next term is going to be a strength phase, so Snatching will probably be purely technical for a while, Snatch Pulls and etc. Hopefully things are awesome by the end of it. I'm hoping I end the term with a big strength capacity, allowing for many PRs.

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