Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Training - 23rd Oct. 2013

Snatch: 125x(2,2,2), 130x(1,2)
Front Squat: 3x(5/3/1) @ (170,180,190), (175,185,195), (180,190,200)
Jerk: 135x2x3, 155x2x2, 165x1, 175x1, 185x1
Facepulls: 3x30
Ab Wheel Rollout 3 sets

First real day back. Went well. Haven't Snatched 130 nearly that often, and for some reason my mind wasn't really up to it. Wasn't too happy with any of the 130 reps, was hardly heavier, was just too scared and form broke down.

Took it easy on Front Squats, because as expected...they felt incredibly heavy. These weights are relatively light, but having not Front Squatted or even cleaned in a while, they were hard.

Jerking off the rack here is more technique focused. Today I was trying to reduce the dip/drive depth, felt good and strong.

Overall, pretty good. Left Hamstring acting a bit funny (tight and kindve irritated, but I'll probably just work through it...and probably regret it later :D)

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