Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Saga of Zammar the Great #13: The Mindspace

Story Recap:

The battle with the Und’kal left the city of Candahar utterly destroyed. But from its ruins came the union of unlikely parties: Lion’s Gate (a city of The Whitelands), The Dragon Empire and Kathman (a city of Indus).

Ren, Queen to the fallen kingdom of Torst, mediated the conflicts between the different parties in an attempt to restore stability in the region and begin rallying forces against the alien threat. She called for a meeting of nations to discuss the new threats.  

Soon after meeting Aythyl, Tristan allowed the young Und to “mindshare” with him. This ability allowed the alien to live through Tristan’s life as a young man in The Dragon Peak mountain range. The two, close friends now, promised to work towards peace between their races. To facilitate this, Aythyl trusted Tristan with his heartstone - a rock that would allow the two, now connected in mind, to communicate across great distances.  


Ren rubbed her eyes and massaged her temple tiredly before picking up a cron. The golden coin from The Whitelands was lustrous and weighty. She sighed, put it back on the makeshift table she was seated at and scrutinized the other currencies laid out in front of her. The Dragon Empire had moon shaped coins, aptly named crescents. The marked pieces of papyrus paper from The Blacklands were called ran, and wooden chips marked intricately made the currency of Indus. Neither was used extensively; both nations ran primarily on an internal bartering system.

Ren was wearing the yak skin clothes she had been given at Tristan’s village, and it really was too hot for them. Her skin itched along the seams, and the tough leather scratched and rubbed against her body. She bore the discomfort without complaint. Her hand reached down to a pouch on her belt and she played with one of the Torstian coins inside. She didn’t add it to the collection in front of her.

“It’s not possible, surely.” Takahito stuttered. The man from The Dragon Empire, wearing enviously thin red robes, seemed to never to stop trembling.

“The Whitelands has never traded currency with either The Blacklands or Indus. There is no way of converting it.” General Brigadier Anderson added, his voice as impassive as ever. Over the past two weeks his impartiality had sparked much trepidation in Ren. Now she felt almost apathetic to it, and she knew that was dangerous.

“We need to make it happen to build the economy here.” Ren replied.

“Queen Ansari, I’ve already said that we should not think about the economy at all, there are more important matters. In Candahar we’ve always taken care of one another. This is a hard time, and though my people have set out to rebuild the city, we still do.” Abejide said.

“Chief Abejide, your people aren’t the only ones here anymore. This camp is growing large, and will grow larger. I don’t mean to intrude on your hospitality for too long, and I promise that we will move to found a new city. But for now, we need to stick together, and we need to set up an economy. The current system isn’t working; there is so much to be done yet most do nothing.

“Traditionally, all trade between the nations went through Torst. The moneychangers of the city had the knowledge to convert the currencies into the local Torstian coin.” Zammar said.

“There is no way to mint more of that money,” Anderson said, “now that the city is gone.” He looked at Ren with his piercing blue eyes.

“Another problem, Queen Ansari. Most of the people coming here have lost everything, they have no money to exchange anyway.” Abejide said.

Ren looked down at the currencies. Ideally, she would be rid of all of them; there was no point in so much tedious bookkeeping when the world could function with just one coin. Unfortunately, things like this were tied to tradition; it would take years for her to discontinue use of the currencies altogether.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Saga of Zammar the Great #12: The Choosing (Indus pt.1)

Aitzaz skimmed his face along Lyla’s neck, taking in the subtle scent of jasmine and citron. His arms reached under her kameez and ran gently up her back. She moaned quietly at his touch. Then something tickled Aitzaz’s ankle. He ignored it, and in a moment he was on her, his lips devouring hers. She responded in kind, grabbing his head and forcing him closer. A knot was rising in his chest, but something tickled his neck beneath her hands, lingering annoyingly and distracting him from the task at hand.

Spirits dammit, leave me alone.

He gently pushed her down, allowing her a moment to find a comfortable place on the wooden bench, all the while not letting go of her lips. She pulled him on top of herself, and Aitzaz’s hands fumbled beneath himself to remove her clothing. Her hands were at his chest, unbuttoning his top. He was hard, and he knew that she knew it.

It’s happening!

Suddenly, he felt a tingle under the bridge of his nose and an accompanying urge to sneeze. He ignored it and pressed harder against Lyla’s lips, his tongue intertwining with hers. Then, lacking air, he choked. Forced to pull away, he unleashed a deafening sneeze that covered nearby grass in mucus. This was followed by violent hacks and barks as his body responded to the sudden asphyxiation.

Aitzaz felt his face going hot from embarrassment, even as he tried to quell the incessant coughing. But Lyla laughed her chime-like laugh, softly pushed him off herself and swung her legs off the bench. The golden monkey, presently the object of all of Aitzaz’s rage, leaped up her shoulder to nest in her wavy honey coloured hair as if to say “mine.”

Still giggling, she reached up a hand, allowing the monkey to clamber down to her lap where she started tickling its belly. “I think Taz got a bit jealous there, ‘Zaz.” She said with a grin. The monkey looked at Aitzaz with an oblivious expression of innocence. He glared angrily in response, switching quickly to an awkward smile when Lyla turned to him.

“He’s a good boy.” Aitzaz said and reached over to stroke the back of Taz’s neck, pressing his fingers into it just a little bit harder than was necessary.

“Zaz and Taz...” Lyla began to sing.

Aitzaz groaned “Oh, please no.”

“Nothing rhymes with Zaz or Taz” she continued.

“It’s not Zaz, for the spirits’ sake!”

“Maybe I’m just not good at making rhymes!”

 “Aey-teh-zaaz, it’s Aey-teh-zaaz!”

“But that’s okay, because they rhyme with each other!”

“'Zaz and Taz don’t even rhyme if you say it right.”

“So they’re going to be the best friends in the world!”


“But who cares, Zaz and Taz forever!!” She crescendoed and punched her arms to the sky.

“Eek!” Taz shrieked, and imitated her gesture.

Then Lyla burst into laughter and hugged her spirit’s animal tightly. Aitzaz watched for a moment, a smile playing on his face as he reminded himself of how lucky he was to be with the most beautiful girl in the city. Me, of all people. Not Rahul, or Mahit, me!

He pulled her close with an arm, and she stopped laughing to rest her head on his shoulder. After a moment, with a growing pit in his stomach, Aitzaz gently whispered “I love you.” And she responded by meeting his eyes with clear hazel ones. Before she could reply, Aitzaz’s lips found her, and they kissed. Not urgently as before, but passionately.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Saga of Zammar the Great story recap

Map of the world - Saga of Zammar the Great

For the first eighteen years of her life, Ren never left the city of Torst.

Torst wasn't any ordinary city. Built in a valley deep in The Dragon Peaks mountain range, the city was the only neutral state in the world. With gates open to people of any colour, the city differentiated itself from the four other great nations: The Whitelands, The Blacklands, The Dragon Empire and Indus.

For a thousand years of war, Torst had maintained a semblance of balance in the world, preventing the nations from annihilating each other completely, while also providing a home to refugees who fled their ravaged lands. It became a powerful state in its own regard, and slowly fell to its own corruption.

Ren loved her city, and the ideals that it stood for. But having grown up in a noble family as the daughter of Torst's military commander, she was educated highly and longed to see the world with her own eyes. Instead, she had to content with spending days exploring the city's secrets, or lounging in its beautiful gardens.

Then Zammar came. And the mysterious man brought news of the Und'kal.

An alien species from the planet Ghek'yal, the Und'kal consisted of two sub-races. The Und were humanoid in appearance, except for the rough fur that covered their bodies, and their oval heads with elongated ears. They were also intelligent. The Kal were blood thirsty and driven by savage instinct. They walked on four bladed legs, with plated armour across their bodies and deadly claws always ready to rip their prey to shreds.

An immense horde of the aliens now descended upon Torst. The city, too proud to ask for help, stood alone. Commander Ansari, Ren's father, ignored Zammar's advice, and faced the Und'kal in open battle.

Women were not allowed to fight, and instead took refugee in the vast network of cave systems underneath the city. Ren took exception to the rule, and sneaked into the barracks dressed as a boy. She stood in the reserves, and watched as Torst's army was decimated by the aliens. She saw her friend Cody killed by the hand of a Kal. Enraged, she charged at the alien, only to be knocked unconscious.

When Ren woke, she found herself safe by Zammar's side. They were on a ledge overlooking Torst as it burned in the morning sun. The city state, which had stood for a thousand years of war had been destroyed.

Following Zammar, Ren set out on a journey to warn the world of the new Und'kal threat.

They soon came upon a village and Ren met a boy named Tristan. Tristan wasn't from the village, but his parents had left him there soon after birth. Having never felt a part of the community, he found solace in nature and animals. He saw the sadness and guilt that Ren had buried herself in after Torst's fall, and helped her overcome it.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Saga of Zammar the Great #11: Candahar pt.8

Story Recap: 

After parting ways with his fellow villagers, Tristan joined Ren and Zammar on a quest to reach The Blacklands before the Und’kal. On their journey, Ren learned that she descended from the ancient line of Torstian kings, and with the reinstatement of the monarchy, was the fallen city’s new Queen. Meanwhile, Tristan befriended an Und named Aythyl. The alien mind shared with him, allowing him to live the lives of several Und’kal. 

After crossing the ruins of Kampalla, they arrived in Candahar just before the Und’kal swarm. Ren decided that she would stay and fight with the city. Zammar and Tristan joined her, the latter promising her that he would not hesitate in killing the aliens. 

As the battle raged, the Candaharran army was overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of Und’kal. After a deadly battle between Zammar and a Kal Prime, the city walls were broken. Still on their top, Ren was unable to escape the destruction. 


She was walking through a familiar garden. Songbirds chirped happily in the trees that bordered the paved path beneath her feet, their melodies blending with the calming trickle of stream water. The wind blew gently, a refreshing breeze that rustled her hair. The sun was high in the cloudless sky, casting warming rays of light and reflecting in golden textures off of leaves and grass. 

Sitting in the shade of the tall mountain they were built into, the multitude of holy buildings that comprised the top level of Torst rose above her. Colourful mosaics decorated the windows of towering cathedrals. Tall, elegant spires protruded from their base to end in extravagant designs. Large domes capped flat roofed buildings. Golden spires stuck out from the apex of the domes, identical but longer than the ones that comprised the top of each minaret. Several temples and shrines could be made out behind the buildings at the front, their roofs more edged, but tapering along shallow curves. Everything was made of the whitest stone, so bright that it was almost blinding in the strong sunlight.   

The collection of holy buildings created a single place of sanctuary for all the world's religions. Together, they circled the biggest structure at the center of the level: The Golden Sanctuary - House of A'rah. This was where the native Torstian religion was practiced, a place she had gone many times to pray. 

The wind changed direction, wafting a familiar scent of flowers her way. She walked on, taking the first turn the path offered in that direction. 

The bright sky began to redden. She quickened her pace, instinct telling her to hurry. The new road seemed to stretch forever, disappearing into the curving horizon. A strange haze started to permeate the air, hiding the purity of the city in brown silhouettes. Her surroundings began to take on the crimson colouring of the sky; the leaves on the trees transforming to the crimson shades of autumn. Only the path ahead of her retained its greenery.  

Enormous balls of fire streaked across the red sky. Their orange contrails blazed through a curve as their trajectory guided them to the ground. She took a quick glance behind her. The garden was alight, the flames devouring grass and tree alike. In the horizon, the burning ground cracked and ripped itself apart. The chunks began to fall into a deep and endless abyss. She turned back fearfully and ran.  

Destruction followed in her wake. The green trees changed to orange as she ran by, and burned behind her before falling into nothing. She sprinted as hard as she could, her sides splitting with the effort. Ahead, the path opened into a clearing that was hidden behind a bright sun glare - the last piece of sky spared from fiery wrath. She concentrated on the aroma of flowers emanating from within as it gradually overpowered the smoke of fire. 

She stumbled into the grassy clearing awkwardly, just as the last of the path fell away behind her. 

There was a beautiful flowerbed in the circular meadow, and nothing else. The rest of the world had disappeared, lost to the abyss above which this one safe island floated.

Her breath came fast, but easily; the air here was pure. She walked towards the colourful flowerbed, her eyes fixated on the two figures that stood facing away from her.  

A tall, burly man with graying hair had his arm wrapped protectively around the waist of a slight woman that wore a shawl around her head.  

She took a cautious step forward, feeling the spongy softness of the grass beneath her feet. "Mom, dad?" She called to the two figures. 

Slowly, the two began to turn towards her, and the meadow started disappearing as they did. The edges of the clearing simply ceased to be, dissolving into small black flakes that fluttered away to join the abyss below. 

Her heart rate sped up again as she ran towards her mother and father. Their bodies began to vanish in a similar fashion, their feet slowly turning into nothing. It started to spread up their legs, leaving pillars floating in the air. 

"No! Don't go! Please!" She cried desperately. 

Finally, the figures completed their turn to look at her. Nothing remained of her mother beneath her torso, but she gazed at her daughter with beautiful green eyes. Tender love and affection brimmed out of them. 

She reached her mother a moment before the figure vanished. Her arms swung through the once occupied air. She fell to her knees, crying. 

Looking up, she met her father's gaze through glassy eyes. Only his head remained, and he looked at her with expectation, disappointment. 

"Don't..." She whispered, "please...don't leave me." But then he was gone. Everything was gone, and she was falling into the darkness, alone.  

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Training - 7th June 2014

Clean and Jerk: D1RM: 205 (didn't quite make the jerk), 3x1+1 @ (185,185,185)
Paused Front Squat: 3x3 @ (200,205,205)
Bss 3x, Ab Wheel 3x

Took two attempts at 210. I think I'm just too tired, but more that I just get too nervous. Next time I'm going to try taking jumps from 190->200->210 instead of the current 185->195->205->210, and see how that works out.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Training - 3rd & 4th June 2014

3rd June 2014

Snatch: D1RM: 155, 3x2 @ (145*,145*,145*)
Clean and Jerk: 4x1+2 @ (170,170,170,170)
Front Squat: D3RM: 225, 205x5
Bss x2, Ab Wheel

4th June 2014

Snatch: 4x3 @ (135,135*, 135*, 135)
Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk: 4x1+1+1 @ (165*,165,165,165)
Snatch Pull: 3x3 w/ rebend @ (145,145,150), 2x2 w/ rebend: (155,155), w/o rebend: (165,170)
Russian Twist x3

Bleh on both days. I think I'm going too heavy on some of the back off sets. I was fine with at the beginning of the training cycle, but recently I've just been too tired.

Which is a major problem, I'm generally tired from work/commuting/lack of sleep. I'm thinking that I'm going to take Tuesday/Wednesday off next week to get 5 days of rest, and see if I can come back strong after that.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Training - 31st May & 1st June 2014

31st May 2014

Snatch + Hang Snatch: 4x1+2 @ (130*,130,130,130)
Clean: 4x3 @ (170,170,170,170)
Snatch Deadlift: 3x3 @ 155, 2x2 @ 165

Felt decent. Bit sloppy on the cleans, forgot to adjust for a new starting position I had been enjoying (lower hips), so just gotta keep that in mind. Rushed the session a bit so I could go watch X-men.

I must say, that movie was absolutely brilliant. I am a bit biased though, X-men and Superman are the only super hero things I was ever super into as a kid.

1st June 2014

Snatch: Won't even bother writing anything, was messy and bad...Got upto 150, lots of misses
Back Squat: 235x2x6, 220x3x8, 185x10 reps
BSS + Ab Wheel 3x

Really crappy day for Snatching. Actually been a pretty bad week for Snatches. I dunno, just wasn't feeling it. Couldn't lock out. I was also trying a wider pulling stance. I think I may stick to the wider pulling stance, since it does make it easier to get around the knees, but further observation is required before that decision is made.

Hopefully things pick up on Tuesday.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Training - 30th May 2014

Clean and Jerk: D1RM: 205, 185, 195*, 185
Snatch Balance: 135x3x3
Paused Front Squat: 3x3 @ (195,200,205)
Bss x3, Ab Wheel x3

Again, super tired but it turned out to be a decent session. Took a CJ attempt at 210, but I guess I wasn't fully trying and was a bit too gassed to really do it.

The Saga of Zammar the Great #10: Candahar pt.7

Story Recap:

Abasi managed to escape the destruction of Kampalla with three soldiers - Imad, Hadi and Jamil. Together they made for Kairo to warn the pharaoh of the new danger, but were waylaid and found themselves in Candahar. Upon discovering Candahar's acceptance of white people, Abasi and his friend Omir decided to recruit people to overthrow the city's leadership. Before they could do so however, they were dragged into battle as a horde of Und’kal bore down on the city.

Ren and her guide Maria found themselves on the city's walls to join boomerang throwers in ranged defense. They watched helplessly as Zammar battled a Kal Prime. He defeated the alien but was mortally injured in the process. Tristan brought Zammar’s lifeless body to relative safety in front of the city's gates. Arion, Zammar’s horse, encouraged Tristan to give Zammar a mysterious liquid. Miraculously, it somehow resulted in revival of the man’s heart beat.

After the battle of colossi, the two armies re-engaged in combat.


Abasi's spear pierced through the side of the Kal, coming to a sickening halt as it hit a hard bone-like substance. He pulled it out with a gush of black blood. The alien shrieked in surprise at his attack, turning quickly to look down at him with four eyes. It raised a talon menacingly, revealing its teeth in an angry snarl. Anticipating the attack, Abasi leapt over the dead body next to him, landing hard on the blood stained ground on its other side. The gash on his back burned with pain induced from the impact. Ignoring this, he turned quickly and prepared to move out of the way of another swing, only to cry in pain as a sharp spasm shot through his left leg. It straightened beneath him instinctively, throwing him back to land hard against some other corpse.

"Fuck!" He cried, cursing his old age and the white man that had impaled him in the side of the leg many years ago. The Und'kal walked over to him slowly now, reveling in its hunt. "Fuck you!" Abasi yelled, brandishing his spear and thrusting it forward to stab at the beast. It bounced off the tough hide, useless with his bad leverage. His leg remained locked as the creature revealed deadly teeth in a malicious grin.

Then, just as the Kal's shadow fell across Abasi, another spear pierced its side above the previous wound. Imad ran around the shaft, jumping on the alien's torso and swinging his scimitar around to cut the hard skin at its throat. The Und'kal didn't have time to turn as blood gushed profusely out of the gash. Its shrieks of pain simply came out as muted gurgles and the twitching body crumpled to the ground.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Training - 28th May 2014

Snatch: 4x3 @ (130,135*, 135,135)
Power + Hang Clean + Jerk: 4x1+1+1 @ (160,165,165*,165)
Snatch Pull w/rebend: 3x3 @ (145,145,150), 2x2 @ (155,160), w/o rebend: 2x2 @ (170,170)
BNSP: 3 sets @ 65, 2 sets @ 75
Russian Twist 3x

Pretty good session. Missed the last snatch on the second triple set, but other wise it felt good. Missed a hang clean, not really sure why. Cleans were feeling a bit bleh but it's alright.

Snatch Pulls were good, started keeping my hands on the bar throughout the set, I think it's a good way to train the weak back muscles if I'm lowering the weight with control.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Training - 27th May 2014

Snatch: D1RM: 155, 3x2 @ (145*,145*,145)
Clean and Jerk: 4x(1+2) @ (170,170,170,170)
Front Squat: D3RM: 215, 190x5, 200x5
Ab Wheel 3x

Tiring day at work and lots of traffic on the way home, and really humid weather so I was generally not set up for an amazing training session. Did alright, bit less than good but oh well, happens.

Missed second rep of back off sets 1 and 2, dunno just felt a bit lethargic about it. Pulled myself together for the last set, CJs felt good.
Accidently used 190 instead of 200 for the first back off FS set :P

Monday, May 26, 2014

A week of training - 18th May 2014

Hehe, long hiatus but sort of back.

First training log after a long hiatus.

Was doing a strength cycle, which is pretty boring to watch so I decided to not video that :p

Back to a classical focus now. Things are feeling good and consistent.

Training in my garage on my ghetto, improvised platform. Some soft stuff under it compresses a fair bit, which is an annoying loss of energy in lifting. My current hope is that it just makes me stronger!!!

Looking forward to a successful term of training.

I guess calling it a "Weekly training video" is a bit inappropriate, it's more like a weeks worth of training :D

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Training - 25th May 2014

Snatch: D1RM: 160, 150*,150*,145*,145*
Back Squat: 2x6 @ (230.235), 3x8 @ (215,220,220), 185x12
BNSP: 75x3x7
BSS x3
Ab Wheel x3

Snatching was going great today up to the 1 rep max. I matched my best, which has been a common occurrance recently, and took two attempts at 165. But unfortunately, I'm really unsused to back off sets, and I don't know, maybe I get cocky or something but I do badly on them. I'm thinking I'll taking more weight off the bar and working upto the back off set weight next time. Hopefully it works better?

I also perform badly after I miss once, it's like I just forget how to lockout

Oh well.

Decent week of training.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Training - 24th May 2014

Power + Hang Snatch: 1+2: (125*,130,130,125)
Clean: 4x3 @ (165,170,170,165)
Snatch Deadlift: 3x3 @ 155, 2x2 @ 165, 170
Russian twist 3x

Missed the last rep of the first snatch set for the same reason as usual - unable to lockout tight at the bottom. That's sort of the intention of training this power + hang snatch complex. Trying to get a bit more speed getting under, but also to get used to recieving tight. The first two end up being progressively lower power snatches and the last is full

Friday, May 23, 2014

Training - 23rd May 2014

Clean and Jerk: D1RM: 205x1+1, 3x1+1 @ (195*, 195*, 185*, 185)
Paused Front Squat: 3x3 @ (195,200,205)
BSS x3, Ab Wheel x3

Strange session. Started off great with matching my previous best with a much more confident and smoother lift than the last time, but then the back off sets I just goofed everything. Not really sure, maybe I was too confident from the 205?

Meant to do Snatch Balances, but they were really irritating my left hip for some reason so decided to leave them out =|

Feels unproductive, but meh!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Training - 20th & 21st May 2014

20th May:

Snatch: D1RM: 160, 3x2 @ (145, 145, 145)
Clean + Jerk: 1+2 @ (170,170,170,170)
Front Squat: D3RM: 215, 2x5 @ (195, 195)
BSS x 3, Ab Wheel x3

21st May:

Snatch: 4x3 @ (130,130,130,130)
P. Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk: 4x1+1+1 @ (160, 160, 160, 160)
Snatch Pull: w/ rebend: 3x3 @ (145,145,145), 2x2 @ (155, 155) w/o rebend: 2x2 @ (165,170)
BNSGP: 65x5x10
Russian Twists 3x

So it's been almost a month since I updated promising I would update more often.

Well, I suck.

It's been hectic with the start of work, but training has been going really well. Starting to get a nice routine down, so hopefully look forward to more frequent updates to the log!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Saga of Zammar the Great #9: Candahar pt.6

Story Recap:

Riding on Zammar’s horse (Arion), Ren, Tristan, and Zammar arrived at The Blacklands' city of Candahar only hours before it was assaulted by an enormous horde of Und'kal. As the dark skinned people of the city took arms, Ren too swore herself to the cause. Even Tristan picked up a sword, making a promise to Ren that he would not hesitate to fight the aliens he had come to love.

Ren and Maria, the guide assigned to her by Chief Hirat, took station on top of the city’s walls. With her bow ready, Ren’s intentions were to lead the city’s boomerang throwers. Tristan found himself in the middle of the main army, forced to fight in deadly melee.

The fighting raged in a desert valley, but was soon halted when a large Und'kal, a “Kal Prime”, confronted Zammar. The two clashed in fierce combat that had both sides struggling to gain the upper hand. However, when Tristan attempted to intervene, the unguarded Zammar was caught by a merciless attack, an attack that may have proven fatal for the mighty man.


Her arrows bounced uselessly off the giant creature's tough hide; still, Ren fired them one after another in desperation, ignoring the sting of the bowstring on her hand.

"It is no use, my Queen." Maria said sadly behind her - not for the first time. Ren loaded another arrow and let loose. It glanced off the writhing monster, flopping lazily to the ground at its feet; she threw down her bow in frustration.

"It's okay. He's fine..." She replied, reaching forward to grasp the sharp palisades of the wall with shaking hands. It's Zammar. Her gaze fell on the medical soldiers stationed directly in front of the wall. Like the rest of the army, their eyes had remained glued on the brawl as Zammar alone fought the Und'kal. None had raised their arms to aid in his melee, not even now when he most needed their help. The only person that had even tried was Tristan.

But look what happened because of him...Ren shook her head violently to clear the thought. She would have done the same, no matter how hopeless the gesture. After all, no one man but Zammar could stand against that thing. But there was the entire Candaharran army...Surely together they could take down the large Und'kal? Abejide and Hirat have probably already thought of that. Maybe they just didn't want to help him. The paranoid part of her said that Zammar's skin colour had something to do with it. Ren turned back to the vast desert, squinting her eyes against the strong sun. There had to be something, some way to defeat the beast.

She made to move towards the wooden stairs leading down to the city behind her. "I need to get down to the fight..."

"No, my Queen."  Maria's hand whipped out to grab Ren's arm. The tight grip startled her out of the focused state she was in. "You must not abandon your post, my Queen." The guide added sternly.

Ren was surprised, Maria hadn’t been strict with her before. "But...I need to talk to Abejide."

"Your battle is here, my Queen. Believe in your comrades." The dark girl pointed a long fingered hand. "Look, this enemy will not last much longer, already its life blood drains."

Ren stared at the girl for a moment before nodding; it would have taken too long to get to the chiefs. Not to mention that there was nothing she could do against any Und’kal with a sword - she’d learned that the hard way. At least with her bow she could be of some help.

"Yeah..." She whispered, turning back around to lean over the wall and gaze at the pillar of dust that was rising from where Zammar had smashed into the base of the hill. "I'll finish it off myself if I have to..." she muttered under her breath, ignoring the sharp sting of splinters on her hands as they squeezed the wood. Despite the pretense, Ren had never felt more helpless.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Training - 28th April 2014

Snatch: Upto 150x1, 135x3x2
Power Clean + Jerk: 165x4x(1+2)
Front Squat: Upto 205x3, 185x2x5
Bulgarian Split Squats: 40x3x6
Ab Wheel 3x


I am back, sort of. I haven't updated any of the recent training sessions namely because they were unstructured and more or less a way to just keep moving. Now that the term is finally over though, I hope to be more consistent in maintaining the log.
I am living at home now, and will be lifting on my improvised platform in the garage (pics will be posted soon? Or just watch the videos! :P)

The plan for this week is to just work my way back in to the classicals before starting a more structured program next week (starting with work, to maintain a nice routine).

Friday, April 4, 2014

Weightlifters and Squatting

Squatting. Isn't that what weightlifting is all about? I mean intuitively, weightlifters have a tendency to find themselves in a squatted position with a bar either overhead or across their shoulders. So naturally, one would assume that an integral part of weightlifting is the stability and strength required to be in that position. If one was to make such an assumption, he would be correct! If this intelligent person then extrapolated to thinking about how to benefit the classical lifts (Snatch and Clean & Jerk), and came up with the idea of isolating this portion of the classicals to strengthen in training, he would be my hero!

Enter the Back and Front Squat!

This beautiful, hairy Russian man is responsible for one of the most iconic pictures in weightlifting, as well as the second highest recorded Clean and Jerk of all time! Also, moustache.
 For the uninitiated, the back squat involves the bar being loaded across the back of a lifter (usually from squat stands) before said lifter takes a deep breath, curses his existence and squats down to the ground and stands back up. It is one of the most commonly performed exercises in any gym, and for good reason. Honestly, nothing (except maybe a Clean and Jerk) would give an ordinary bro greater bang for buck than a Back Squat!

Front Squats on the other hand are a little bit more elusive. Loading the bar across the front deltoids results in a very different, but similar movement to the back squat. It also means you can lift less, are forced to keep strict form, and if you suck like me, have a tough time breathing :p

Everyone's favourite weightlifter - Dimitry Klokov performing a (really heavy) Paused Front Squat. Kind of looks similar to the position at the bottom of a Clean doesn't it?!

There are many different ways that people squat. In the end, any given person's squat position is dictated by his proportions, weaknesses/strengths, flexibility and intent.

As weightlifters, our aim when squatting is to directly aid the classical movements. As such, our intention is never to lift maximal weights, but to lift in a way with maximum transferability to the classicals. In other words, we want to strengthen our bodies in the same position that they would find themselves in when performing a classical.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Saga of Zammar the Great #8: Candahar pt.5

Story Recap:

Tristan, a young man from a remote village of the Torstian holdings in the Dragon Peak mountains, lived a peaceful life until the appearance of a lost queen and a mighty man. Ren and Zammar preceded an attack by the alien Und'kal that would go on to destroy his home. The survivors from his village sought refugee, and headed for the Indus' city of Kathman. Tristan however decided to join Zammar and Ren in their task to warn and prepare more people for the alien invasion. 

On his journeys, he met an intellectual class Und'kal named Aythyl. Aythyl performed the strange ability of "mind sharing," allowing Tristan to live the lives of various Und'kal. He lost himself in their violent consciousness, resulting in an attack on his Und friend. Nonetheless, Aythyl trusted Tristan and presented to him a mysterious stone that allowed the two to communicate through thought. 

With Zammar and Ren, Tristan reached The Blacklands’ city of Candahar, where the natives were preparing for a large Und'kal attack. Making a promise to his beloved queen, Tristan committed to joining the fight. As the alien horde marched upon the city, he was warned by Aythyl of a new type of Und'kal that now approached, one that may very well determine the tide of battle.   


Tristan turned again and again as he ran aimlessly, trying desperately to make some sense of the violent discord that surrounded him on all sides. His hearing was continually assaulted by the shouting and screaming of men and Und'kal, overlaying the driving drum beat from behind, and throwing him into a tumultuous vortex of confusion. Dark, bare bodies pushed against him continuously, tempting to crush him underfoot in the stampede, their poisoned weapons slamming against him threateningly. He could hardly keep up. 

It was the pure, undiluted form of chaos. 

"Move!" A man yelled, shoving him aside as he sprinted by. Tristan faltered in surprise; his left foot caught on something, causing him to stumble forward helplessly.

"Sorry!" He cried after the figure that had long disappeared into the crowd. The mob of human bodies was finally starting to thin out, allowing him to see the ground and landscape as opposed to an endless mass of people. On the other hand, the charge had thrown up clouds of dust that reduced visibility significantly, obstructing his view of the Und'kal army. Tristan turned around to see what had tripped him - an unrecognizable human body with limbs sprung out at unnatural angles. The torso had been completely trampled into a red mush filled with chunks of organ. He stared at the mutilated corpse for a long time, even as more people rushed by, many of them contributing to the damage. That was a person, Tristan thought mournfully. A person with a life, friends, dreams, hopes...maybe he even had children. 

"Above!" A strong yell from somewhere to his right. Tristan turned around and looked up just in time to see a large group of Und'kal warriors leaping high in to the air, above the front lines. They brandished their talons wickedly, growling and salivating through the jump. Spears stabbed up from below, cutting through the weak points in their natural armour, or bouncing off the plated parts and snapping dramatically. Kal bodies fell out of the air, a few already dead before hitting the ground, crushing those underneath that didn't move in time. The rest landed nimbly, many already injured, to be charged upon by the masses of people. 

One touched down right in front of Tristan. Its arm swing was instantaneous, the talon shimmering in the dusty morning sun as it blurred through the movement. Tristan hardly had time to duck his head. He backed away quickly as the giant creature gave him a vicious grin. The Kal began to bend its legs, salivating wickedly in the process. The tall, upright torso dipped straight down in between the four limbs. Anticipating the jump, Tristan struggled awkwardly to the side, tripping and rolling hard across the ground. He covered his face instinctively when he came to a stop, waiting to be shredded apart. 

Training - 24th, 26th, 27th March 2014

24th March:

Back Squats: 3x5/3/1 @ (230/240/250, 240/250/260, 250/260/275)

26th March:

Snatch Balance up to 2x135x3
Front Squat: 3 reps @ (205,215,225,215,205)
Rows: 120x5x10
Ab Wheel 3x

27th March:

Snatches up to 150x1, failed attempt at 160

Trap tightness persists, but is starting to feel a little bit better. Did get a prescription for a massage, so that'll be good - maybe next week?

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Training - 17th & 18th & 21st & 22nd March 2014

17th March

Back Squat: 3x(5/3/1) @ (230/240/250, 240/250/260, 250/260/270)
Snatch Pull off Blocks: 135,145,155 x 3 (w/ rebend), 165x2x2, 175x2x2, 135x4x3 w/ 3 pos'n pauses
Glute Ham Raise 5x5
Ab Wheel 3x

18th March

Did some light snatches off blocks. Was feeling really tired and bleh, so didn't do much.

21st March:

Snatch Balance: Just did a couple of triples at 115?
Front Squat: Work up to 225x3 for 1 set

22nd March:

Snatch off High Blocks: Bunch of sets, didn't really regulate
Back Squat: 235x2x6, 215x3x8, 185x1x13
Glute Ham Raise: 5x5
Rows: 120x5x10
Ab Wheel 3x

Not really the best week. Things were a little thrown off with me being really tired on Monday and then going to the Dream Theater concert on Thursday.
Also, I had really chronically tight traps this entire week, which is why I hesistated to do much with the Snatches. It's the same old imbalance/injury that's been plaguing me for a while.

Here is the break down of my analysis: Really tight Pec minor/ shoulders are pulling the traps down, and causing the upper trap to stiffen up. Because the mid traps are lengthened, the upper trap is forced to do a lot more work, and gets further tight to the point of hurting.
Need to continue stretching routine for chest/shoulders (started getting a bit lazy), and also going to start adding it things to activate the mid traps more passively. Hopefully those spine erectors get fired up a bit better!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Training - 15th March 2014

Snatch off High Blocks: 115x3x2, 125x1x1
Back Squat: 230x2x6, 210x3x8, 185x10
Glute Ham Raise: 5x5
Ab Wheel 3x

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Training - 12th & 13th March 2014

12th March:

Snatch Balance: Upto 135x3x3
Front Squat: 215x5x3
Snatch Pull: 135,145,155 x 3 w/ rebend. 165x2x2, 175x2x2 w/o rebend
Ab Wheel 3x

13th March

Snatch: 135x3x2, 145x1
"Power" Clean and Jerk: Single up to 185x1+1
Power Clean and Push Press: 135x3x 1+3
GHR: 5x5
Rows: 120x5x5
Ab Wheel 3x

Monday, March 10, 2014

Training - 10th March 2014

Back Squat: 5/3/1 @ (230/240/250, 240/250/260, 250/260/270)
Snatch Pull off Blocks: 3x3 @ (135,145,155) w/ rebend  4x2 @ (165,165,175,175) 135x4x3 w/ 3 posn pause
Ab Wheel 3x + Dips 3x

Totally meant to do Rows/GHR today...But my god did those squats take a lot out of me. In hindsight it was a big jump, but that 250x5 and 260x3 sets were real grinders!

But awesome progress being made. 250 was a heavy single at the beginning of this term :P

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Training - 6th & 8th March

6th March:

Power Snatch + Snatch: 135x3x2
Power Clean + Clean + Jerk: 165x4x(2+1)
Ab Wheel 3x

8th March:

Back Squat: 230x2x6, 210x3x8
Behind the neck Sn.Grip Press: 75x5x6
Ab Wheel 3x

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Training - 5th March 2014

Snatch Balance: Upto 135x3x3
Front Squat: 210x5x3
Snatch Pull: w/rebend: 135x2x3, 145x1x3, 155x1x3 w/o rebend: 165x2x2, 175x2x2
Rows: 120x5x10

Monday, March 3, 2014

Training - 3rd March 2014

Back Squat: 3x(5/3/1) @ (225/235/245, 235/245/255, 245/255/265)
Snatch Pull: 135,145,155 x 3 w/ rebend. Upto 175x2x2, then 135x3x3 (3 position pause)
Glute Ham Raise 5x5

Man...that was tiring.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Training - 24th, 26th & 28th February, 1st March

24th Feb:

Back Squat - 225x2x6, 205x3x8
Snatch Pull off blocks: 135x3x3, upto 175, 135x4x3 w/ 3 position pauses
Rows: 105x5x10
Glute Ham Raise: 5x5
Ab Wheel 3x

26th Feb:

Snatch Balance: Upto 135x3x3
Front Squat: 205x5x3
Snatch Pull: 135x3x3, upto 175

28th Feb:

Snatch: Single up to 145
Clean and Jerk: 165x4x (2+1)

1st March:

Back Squat: 5x3

This feels like deja-vu, but here I am updating a weeks worth of training on here yet again!
Oh well. It's hard to get in a routine with school, I almost always end up getting distracted by the friends when I get home and I completely forget to update the blog! :(

The Saga of Zammar the Great #7: Candahar pt.4

Story Recap:

Brenda Ansari, known as Ren, found out after the destruction of her home that she was in fact descended from an ancient line of kings. As such, she was the now rightful queen of the single kingdom that represented unity in a shattered world. With the recent threat of the Und'kal aliens, it was more critical than ever for her to assimilate the lands and allow mankind to stand in united resistance. With Zammar, and Tristan, she escaped the ruins of her home to travel across The Dragon Peak mountain range and warn other nations. Unfortunately, they reached  the city of Kampalla too late, as it had been razed to the ground by a horde of vicious Und'kal.

Soon after arriving in The Blacklands city of Candahar, Ren found comfort in the company of an old warrior. The man was a change from the otherwise harsh atmosphere that the city had greeted the Queen with, reassuring her of her purpose. However, their talk was cut short by the sound of war drums. The same horde of Und'kal that had razed Kampalla had finally set their eyes upon Candahar, and now descend upon the city in bloodthirsty ferocity.


Ren sat at the end of a mahogany table in a long, windowless room. The multitude of oil lamps hanging around the walls cast it in a dim orange glow, constantly flickering against the shadows of the people that sat around her. Zammar was by her side, across from the two chiefs. Two elder men sat along the length of the table, and across from them were two elder women. Sprawled across the table was a map detailing the layout of Candahar in the gentle valley, showing a thick blue line that represented the coursing way of the Arghan river behind the semi circular city. It was pretty clear that the desolate desert stretched out for a long way in every direction. Zammar and Abejide were staring at the map intently, searching desperately for any saving grace.

"The walls are weak, and this geography is no help - these low hills will not prevent the Und'kal from surrounding us on all three sides." Zammar commented, indicating to the terrain details solemnly. His presence seemed to add an enormous air of safety and awe to the room, as if in here they were immune to the enormous horde of monsters that charged from the west. Ren certainly felt much more comfortable with him by her side.

Abejide sighed with finality. "Indeed, Candahar's policy has always been one to attack, and make that our defense. This city was never made to withstand a siege of this scale."

"Our armies are strong. We should be able to hold off for a long time in front of the city...The enemy will already be weakened by their attack on Kampalla. Maybe, with the help of the gods, we can destroy them...Otherwise, we should be able to cripple their forces enough to allow the pharaoh to take care of it." Chief Hirat added confidently. She was a tall, very well muscled woman. Her long, dark hair fell behind a lean and sharp face in a single, thick braid. The leopard skin sash running across her torso did not do much to hide the giant breasts and their large, dark nipples. The woman seemed to exude an infinite supply of pheromones, her sexual energy was unreal. Ren kept glancing at Zammar, relieved to see that Hirat's eye bashing and advances seemed to have no effect on the man.

"The lads were telling me that their force looks numberless...Either Kampalla hardly fought, or the enemy received reinforcements." Elder Chima, an old man with a long red and white beard, said in a defeated voice.

"The Und'kal are not just individually strong, but they also hold the advantage in numbers. I do not expect a miracle in Candahar, especially if the force is of the same size as that which sieged Torst." Zammar said, his beautiful voice unfitting for words of such finality.

Friday, February 14, 2014

The Saga of Zammar the Great #6: Candahar pt.3

Story Recap: 

After a month of travelling through The Dragon Peak mountain range, Zammar, Ren and Tristan finally reached the city of Kampalla, only to find it razed to the ground. Emotionally charged, Tristan confronted his Und'kal friend, Aythyl. The two once again initiated the strange Und'kal ability of mind sharing, allowing Tristan to look through the eyes of several members of the alien species. In the process, he began to lose himself in their more violent conscious. Sensing this, Aythyl terminated the connection, upon which he was attacked by an enraged Tristan.

After regaining self control, Tristan joined Ren and Zammar. Zammar had summoned his beloved mount, a horse named Arion to carry them across the desert planes of The Blacklands. On its back, the trio rode fast and hard for three days until they finally reached the city of Candahar. Despite the confrontation at the city's gates, Candahar was isolated and had seperated itself from the rest of The Blacklands. Chief Abejide recognized his old accomplice, Zammar, and reluctantly allowed them through the gates. The city had already begun preparing itself for battle, awaiting the enormous Und'kal horde that marched towards them.

Meanwhile, Commander Abasi had fled the lost battle for Kampalla through a secret underground passage. He brought three companions with him - Jamil, Hadi and his old friend Imad. The three managed to scrounge camels, and made to ride across the desert, aiming to warn the Pharaoh of the impending horde of monsters. A few days into their journey however, Imad spotted a horse charging across the desert in the distance. Abasi, not a man to tolerate white scum in The Blacklands, made pursuit.


Ren woke slowly, watching the dust motes above her dance lazily in the strong noon sun that streamed in through the window. The bedding beneath her was soft, pulling her in with its seductive embrace. Here, she could lie forever. The fox kit was huddled up on her belly, its big black eyes looking back at her curiously.

"Hi Air," she whispered, stroking the soft fur. "That's a nice and strange name...Better than Brenda at least." She grinned at it, reluctantly moving to get up. Air yapped before leaping off and bounding towards the door, where he turned back to look at her expectantly. Sluggishly, Ren followed him through and out of the empty palace in to the city streets.

Candahar reminded her only slightly of when she had ventured in to the Blacker regions of Torsts under city. It felt so much more primitive, the only real similarity being the colour of the people and the way everyone seemed to stop what they were doing to look at her. In Torst, she had mostly gotten suspicious glares. They were used to seeing whiter people, but the mistrust was strong. Here, people regarded her with wary curiosity; many of them had probably never seen someone with skin as light as hers. Of Course, many also looked at her with a lot more aggression, the sparks of hatred easily showing behind eyes on otherwise composed faces.

It wasn't their fault, she knew that. That was the way they had been raised, the seeds of hatred sown strongly through generations and further fueled by a millennium of bloodshed. These people must have felt justified in their mistrust. Still, the propaganda machines of The Blacklands certainly had a lot less impact in Candahar than they would else where. In Kairo, she would already be dead.

Walking through the crowded city streets, Ren tried her best to smile at all of the strangers that stopped to look at her. It was like she carried a little bubble of silence around her. Within a few meters in every direction, there was no noise from the city folk. Silent hushing accompanied her, as they dropped whatever they were doing to turn and stare with wide eyes. And once she had passed a threshold, they began gossiping behind her back.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Training - 3rd & 6th Feb. 2014

3rd February 2014:

Back Squats: 255x5x3
Snatch Pulls off Blocks: Did ~135x3x3 w/ rebend, worked up to 175 for a single w/ shrug then did Paused pulls (pausing at knee, above knee, hitting extension, pausing again at same locations on the way down.)
Ab Wheel 3x

6th February 2014:

Snatch Balance: Worked up to 135x3x2
Front Squat: 210x5x3
Clean-3-position-pull off blocks: 135lbs - experimented with doing clean pulls, pausing below, above knee for different periods of time. Thinking I'll program these for 5x3 with around 3secs pause.
Ab Wheel 3x

Probably the last day of training for a while simply because of midterms. I have 6 exams in 5 days, so meh.

Anyway, one recent realization in training methodology has been to improve strength in the position directly before the second pull. Or, I suppose to increase strength such that I am able to stay over the bar for the longest period of time possible without resorting to things like arm bend (which I do regularly :( )
Hence the experiments with paused pulls!


Exams :(

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Training - 1st Feb. 2014

Back Squat: 225x2x6, 215x3x8
Snatch Pull: 3x @ (135,140,145) w/ rebend...Upto 175 w/o
Push Press: 5x @ (135,130,125,120,115)
Ab Wheel 3x

8 rep back squats are killer. Especially because I've never done them before. Still, was happy that I managed to do them with a decent weight!

Also, was pretty surprised I could push press 135 so easily.

Midterm week coming soon. Will probably have to ease back a bit on the training.

Training - 29th & 30th Jan. 2014

29th January:

Snatch Balance: Worked up to 135x2x2
Front Squat: 205x5x3
Clean Pull: 3x3 @ 185, then 1r up to 215

30th January:

Snatch Pulls: 145x5x3, up to 175x1 (warmed up with Power Snatches up to 115)
Clean Pull Holds (holding in position above knee ~ 10 secs) for 5 sets with 135
T-Bar Rows: 65x5x15?
Glute Ham Raise : 5x5

Monday, January 27, 2014

Training - 27th Jan. 2014

Back Squat: Worked up to 1 rep @ 280 lbs
Snatch Pull: 145x5x3 w/ rebend, worked up to 185 w/o rebend
Rows: 5x10
Dips 3x
Ab Wheel 3x

Woohoo! Finally did a rainbow bar squat! (45,35,25,10) lbs on each side...Just need to imitate this with the rainbow version of KG plates! hehe.
Sort of was going for a max, and I did achieve a new best by 25lbs, but still felt I could have gotten a bit more if I had gone for it. I'm just still not used to squatting heavy, and I've been more strict with form recently, so I was unhappy to see it breaking at the heavier weights. All good though.

Just proof that I need to do a LOT of work.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Training - 25th Jan. 2014

Snatch Balance: Worked up to a heavy single with 135
Back Squat: Just did some paused reps up to around 185
Snatch Pull off the Blocks: Did 135x2x3 w/ rebend, then worked up to 185 for a shrug-pull
Rows: 120x4x10
Glute Ham Raise: 3x5
Ab Wheel 3x

One of the ideas I had for this recent strength phase was to do heavier pulls more often. The pulling portion isn't a real weakness for me in the classicals, as I can always pull the bar high enough. However, heavy pulls should hopefully allow me to maintain better form and confidence at heavier weights, while also training the back musculature in the related positions.

I used to hesitate mainly because I was scared to pull heavy to the point where form would be breaking down. I'm still pulling with good speed (see strong pull above), and taking many videos. Happily Surprised to see that maintaining form at heavier weights on pulls comes pretty naturally at this point.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Training - 14th, 16th, 20th, 22nd January 2014: Last week of Smolov Jr

14th Jan:

Back Squat: 205x6x6

16th Jan:

Back Squat: 215x7x5

20th Jan:

Back Squat: 230x8x4

22nd Jan:

Back Squat 240x10x3

Hello. So, I sort of pooped out in a bunch of ways here, in failing to update this blog on time as well as messing up the end of the Smolov Jr. Schedule.

I still haven't quite gotten in to the routine of training --> updating as last term yet, I usually end up getting distracted when I get home by my rowdy roommates! Anyway, will try to do better from now on.

Glad to be done Smolov Jr. I picked a conservative max, and I think it was a good idea mainly because I felt like I maintained good form throughout the program. Unfortunately, I ended up going home on the weekend of the 17th. Since I now have a rack at home, this wouldn't have been a problem if I wasn't feeling iffy about my adductors that day. I decided not to squat, postponing the last two days of the program to the next week, and now they are done. Even though I sort of ruined everything :P

Saturday, January 18, 2014

The Saga of Zammar the Great #5: Candahar pt.2

Note: This is part five of a story. If you are seeing this for the first time, you may benefit from reading the previous parts as can be found here:


The high sun beat down on Abasi's bare back, burning the giant gash that had opened vertically across it. He gritted his teeth and kicked the tired camel beneath him in frustration, reminding himself that it was just pain. His left arm pounded with more where the monster had crushed it beneath the large taloned feet. Oh well, he had gotten even with that one...and the arm still functioned well enough. He wanted to drift, to fall away like his single sleepy eye kept encouraging him to in the desert heat. His vision was narrowing, the blackness of his eyelid slowly taking over from the painful glow of the sun. He felt himself swaying just slightly, his head slowly drooping down...Just a bit more and he'd be off this bothersome camel. Just a little bit more...

"How much further do we have to go?!" Jamil's irritatingly high voice crooned out in complaint behind him, instantly bringing Abasi back to the world with a start. He cursed under his breath in anger. 

"Kairo is on the other side of the world you retard...We'll never make it." Hadi replied glumly, his own voice being a pitch lower but similarly irritating. 

"Fuck man, I wanna go home...I don't want nothing to do with those fucking things no more." Jamil replied. 

Abasi sighed inwardly, furious with himself for picking Hadi and Jamil. How was he meant to know how spineless the pair were? They were both above blackness of eighty and neither were badly wounded. He had figured that meant they must have been good, pure blooded fighters. Now, he realized it was probably just proof that they hid away during the fight. 

Their constant complaining had done nothing but chip away at his patience, breaking it down in tandem with the heat. It was remarkable how different the weather was on this side of the Dragon Peaks. Here, it felt like autumn hadn't even started to bathe the world in cool. Once they had crossed the furthest reaches of most small streams from the mountains, the landscape quickly changed from the grassy prairie to a vast, barren desert of hard rocks and loose dust underfoot. Many rivers still coursed through here, fed by the headwaters in the mountains to west, none of which were conveniently close to the path that Abasi had chosen to travel. 

"Imad, weren't you from around here?" Hadi asked. 

"From there." Abasi turned just slightly at the deep voice to see the tall, muscled man pointing his long hand to the massive plume of smoke they were approaching. His face seemed completely impartial to the destruction of his childhood home. 

"Fuck...sorry man." Hadi replied. 

They stopped their camels at the edge of the village; the fifth ruin they had come to. The air had grown noticeably heavier as they approached, and now the smell of burned wood hardly prevailed over that of flesh. It was impossible to tell the layout any more; all the wooden structures had collapsed and burned. Few logs remained, the rest of which had been transformed into ashes littered with bones and limbs. Amongst the debris, the once vibrant colours of childrens toys stuck out of the otherwise monotonous scene. On a tall pole, still standing in the center of the village, the lonely flag of The Blacklands flew lazily in the warm wind. The black canvas, bordered with red, had been slashed where the golden headrest was meant to be.

Abasi turned to face his men, he didn't really want to look at the ruin of a loyal village, the bodies were still too visible, the failure of The Blacklands military far too clear. 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Friday, January 10, 2014

Training - 7th & 9th January 2014: 5th & 6th day of Smolov Jr.

7th Jan:

Back Squat: 195x6x6
Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Press: 65x5x5
Rows: 130x5x7-10
Ab Wheel 3x

9th Jan:

Back Squat: 205x7x5
Ab Wheel 3x

I guess saying that I've been too busy to update would be inaccurate, I just sort of forgot!
Having fun (sort of?) with school, but its great hanging out with the friends again!

Monday, January 6, 2014

The Saga of Zammar the Great #4: Candahar pt.1

Note: This is part four of a story. If you are seeing this for the first time, you may benefit from reading the previous parts as can be found here:

"We need to go, right now!" Ren pleaded with the immensely muscular back in front of her. Zammar did not reply, still lost in his thoughts. He was facing the long ramp that led down from the Kampallan ring. Directly in front was a giant fissure that had appeared when he punched the stone in unbridled fury. Tristan was afraid the entire mountain would crumble and crush them because of it. But so far it had held. On the other hand, he was grateful that the tall mountains, in whose shadow they stood, obscured view of the absolute ruin contained within. They did not, however prevent the smell of rotting, burned flesh from permeating through the thin evening air.

"Please Zammar..."

The man turned around, revealing his gorgeous face with an eccentric swirl of beautiful black hair. He looked at the young queen with deep, empty brown eyes.

"Not yet, Ren." He whispered finally.

"But they're going to reach more villages...we can warn people..." She, like Tristan had been stunned silent by his solemn mannerism.

"No, we will never catch up on foot." He unsheathed the immense greatsword across his back. It rippled mesmerizingly along the lethal edge with an azure glow. With a loud heave, the immense man thrust the sword deep in to the ground directly in front of him. There, it began to pulsate softly with a stronger, more visible blue that banished the shadows immediately around in periodic intervals.

"What are you doing...?" Ren managed to utter before Zammar's hands landed softly on her shoulders. Tristan felt a dagger of envy at the way her entire body went limp and she stared up at him with large and completely unguarded, but beautiful green eyes. He could almost hear the rapid increase in her heartbeat.

"Listen Ren, this was not your fault."

She was silent for a long while before whispering "We should have arrived sooner, we should have warned them."

"No, think of what happened at Torst...Kampalla never stood a chance."

"I don't care...I should have done many people..." Her small voice died instantly as the giant arms pulled her in to an embrace, effectively hiding her behind the bare muscles.

"Ren, I will not let this happen again." The conviction in the mans voice was penetrating.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Training - 4th January 2014: 4th day of Smolov Jr.

Back Squat: 215x10x3

Pretty tired again today...10 sets is a lot! Even if the weight isn't all that much :P I'm excited (not) for when this program has me doing 10x3 with 240 :'(

Also, left leg has been bugging me. Lots of clicking and clacking near the knee join, caused (I think) by tight quads and possibly calves. Pretty annoying, hopefully it gets better with more myofascial release!!

I am writing this from my new home next to my cool friends who are sharing it with me! 2A awaits, and with it, I am sure many hardships and good times!!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Training - 3rd January 2014: 3rd day of Smolov Jr.

Back Squat: 205x8x4

Feeling pretty shot today. The squats went well, but even though the weight is relatively light, I was pretty drained by the end. Part of the reason for that is that 8 a lot of sets. Another reason is that I was being very strict with form, minimizing the amount that my hips kicked back and staying as upright as possible. It's a good thing to do, because it ends up emphasizing more on the Quads, which is of course a weakness of mine.

Another reason is probably that my appetite sort of (contradictorally) disappeared since the beginning of the winter break and I have been eating less because of that.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Training - 1st January 2014: 2nd day of Smolov Jr.

Back Squat: 190x7x5
Ab Wheel 3x

Yay! Happy New Year everybody! Too bad my new year post is slightly late, and a boring one about an ordinary training day. woohoo!

As far as training goals are concerned, I haven't really thought about it much beyond accomplishing what I had aimed to accomplish last term. (315lb Back Squat for reps, 185lb Snatch, 225lb Clean and Jerk) I don't think these should be too hard to reach now, it mainly depends on where my co op placement ends up being for the Spring term. Other than that, I hope to compete, or be ready to compete at some point. I guess I'll have to look in to that.

On another note, Left hamstring has been bugging me a lot lately. There isn't much in the way of pain, it just feels really weird, and is causing my knee to click funnily at the bottom of the squat. I am taking a hard, spiky ball to hopefully it stops being weird :D

Training - 30th December 2013: 1st day of Smolov Jr.

Back Squat: 180 x 6 x 6
Behind the Neck Sn. Grip Press: 75x6x6
Ab Wheel 3x

Hello all! I am back from what turned out to be a short hiatus during the holiday season.

I intended to start Smolov Jr. last week, but the combination of a power out and bad flu influenced me to postpone it.

So, as detailed before, I will be doing the three week strength program called Smolov Jr. as can be seen here: (

Sort of unusual, since I'm not a powerlifter. However, it suits the current emphasis for strength wickedly. As such, I will be running the program for my Back Squats. I did do it before with good success for Front Squats (and then I got injured right at the end! :( ). But, hopefully it helps bring the squatting strength up.

I will be using 255 as a max. Very conservative, but I think it usually is best to be conservative with your max when running a program like this. Especially when you are expected to add weight that isn't based on the max later on.

So today's training was the first time squatting for two weeks, and after recovering from a cold. That being said, it was relatively easy. 180 for 6x6 is a good 35lbs less than I would have been doing before. Oh well, just going to take it easy working in to it, the program will get a lot tougher.