Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Training - 30th December 2013: 1st day of Smolov Jr.

Back Squat: 180 x 6 x 6
Behind the Neck Sn. Grip Press: 75x6x6
Ab Wheel 3x

Hello all! I am back from what turned out to be a short hiatus during the holiday season.

I intended to start Smolov Jr. last week, but the combination of a power out and bad flu influenced me to postpone it.

So, as detailed before, I will be doing the three week strength program called Smolov Jr. as can be seen here: (

Sort of unusual, since I'm not a powerlifter. However, it suits the current emphasis for strength wickedly. As such, I will be running the program for my Back Squats. I did do it before with good success for Front Squats (and then I got injured right at the end! :( ). But, hopefully it helps bring the squatting strength up.

I will be using 255 as a max. Very conservative, but I think it usually is best to be conservative with your max when running a program like this. Especially when you are expected to add weight that isn't based on the max later on.

So today's training was the first time squatting for two weeks, and after recovering from a cold. That being said, it was relatively easy. 180 for 6x6 is a good 35lbs less than I would have been doing before. Oh well, just going to take it easy working in to it, the program will get a lot tougher.

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