Friday, September 10, 2010

He continues his pursuit of knowledge

Grade 11, hard to believe but here I stand, I can't say that I finally made it, because I didn't. I am simply on another stepping stone of a long journey, a life long journey that will never be complete; the pursuit of knowledge.

Knowledge is one of the few things in life that I seek absolutely, that I seek to no end. It is the same with many people around the world, to me it isn't about being successful as much as it is for the sense of fulfillment and peace of mind one enters0 when obtaining knowledge. It is a funny thing, knowledge; no matter how much you learn, you will always know so little. But alas, that is the way of life.

And so it is, that I am in grade. 11. I can't say much about the year, after all it only started around 3 days ago and I already got to skip a day (today for eid) On top of that, my schedule is very very messed up. Observe the fact that I do indeed have 2 spares which isn't as bad as many, but worse than most. This means that I can't really say I have the current courses permanently as they are very much due to change. And that, is a real bummer because of how much I love my math class =[ Either way, I guess I wait and see.

I actually kind of designed this year to be a test run to see which subjects I'm more likely to go into when going into university, between Business and Sciences. (More on my future aspirations in another blog post) I hope that I am still able to obtain the necessary courses for my test run to be successful, and also the necessary ones to ensure that I am able to get the Business endorsement. If not, one may be expecting another blog post with a nice long rant about the guidance department. :)

Moreover, on the topic of time, it passes by a bit too speedily and almost every body agrees with me here. It is not an opinion but rather a fact, I was thinking to my self about how Dance of Death (released in 2003) was released 7 years ago, that's mind blowing, 2003, 7 years? 2003 is meant to be "last year" What is going on here my friends? Why does time mock us; encase us in it's seductive charms before spindling away without a trace and naught to re live it by but in a memory? And is it not somewhat ironic that the preservation of time in memories is just another on the list of things that time decays?

I will miss the days of my life so far, they have been the best of times for me. The only thing I can do about it, is set an expectation and continue to create great experiences. I must cherish every moment of the present without worry of the future or the pains of the past in my side.
I must live for the moment, or else not live at all.

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