Thursday, September 16, 2010

And he dreams of an eternal life

Can you imagine a life that would never end? One where you could experience everything that is to happen on Earth, where you could witness the very history of a planet and universe that is still in the making. A life where you could gain more knowledge than is humanly imaginable, that would be an eternal life.

Wouldn't it be absolutely horrible? I'm sure that most people agree that they don't want to be immortal, at least once you have matured enough to a point. Immortality would cause you to live your life in a continuous cycle, you would watch every thing and every one you love pass, eventually, there really would be no meaning to life. It is the fact and belief that life is short that inspires men to do great things. Can you imagine being the last human alive? (I'm assuming immortality means you can't die no matter what happens to you)

I can't even begin to describe how horrible it would be, to me the life span of a healthy human is pretty ideal, one wouldn't really want to live too long past a good age anyways, there isn't much to do and eventually you must fulfill your role in the cycle of life and that is dying.

Note: Imagine being immortal and while immortal, you're caught in an Earthquake or something and suddenly you're trapped under a ton of debris. Of course the rescue workers give up on any survivors and there you are, for eternity, trapped in a little space D:

Despite all this, I dream of living on in the lives and times of others, to exist and not be forgotten for as long as man kind is not forgotten. Being forgotten is my biggest fear, often my worst nightmare is lying in my death bed, with no visitors or anyone.

I do dream of an eternal life, an eternal life where the accomplishments I accomplish in my life will live on into the lives of others. Into the lives of human beings living a few hundred years into the future, this is my dream. To exist and be remembered long after my time has passed. That, my friends, will be how I attempt to gain immortality.

Is it not the ideal thing? to accomplish much in your life, to be rewarded and loved for your accomplishments in a time that does not belong to your generation? To continue on where most men stop? To continue your journey, without the burden of being alive to experience it?

There are ways to do this, I could live on through my creations, where the innovations and creativity that I instill would be remembered and improved upon in the future, to have a new standard for things. Allow me to give examples: Beethoven is remembered through the grandness of his great Symphonies and expression in his music, he changed how music was written after him, if it wasn't for Beethoven, the music in our lives would be so very different. Another example, Michaelangelo is remembered through the pieces of art he created, the innovations and greatness of his works such as "David" are remembered today and will be in the future

Another way of course, would be to do great things in life, save lives and the such. To be remembered for your good deeds and goodness of heart like Florence Nightingale, or create something that will set a basis for all in the future to work on such as Louis Pasteur.

Of course, there are all kinds of ways to be remembered. If you truly accomplish something amazing, you can be remembered for all of human life, an example would be the great Pharoahs or the greek scholars.

This is my dream my friends, a dream which I suppose is more likely to not be accomplished, but it is a dream that I will strive for in life. I will make my life the best I can by seeking to extend it into the lives of our children's children. I also believe that one must do great things for the sake of goodness, for helping humanity. I know that only if I succeed in my goal with good intentions that are right, then I will be remembered and that is my dream. To earn immortality through actually doing something good in life, not just immortality but actually earning it, living my life to it's fullest and then continuing that into another life.
I dream of the day when I gain my immortality.

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