Tuesday, August 31, 2010

As he observes the decline of modern society

What has become of our society now days? There is so much wrong, like this horrible video I saw today of a girl throwing puppies into a river.

But I'm actually going to talk about something else here, and that is the inert laziness that is becoming so prevalent in our generation. Of course, there is the big picture, with every body sitting at their computer or watching their TV, playing their games the whole day. But let's take it in closer, the laziness within the laziness if you will.

How, can it be that we sit at our computers or what ever else, the whole day. we aren't always doing something productive, yet we can be so lazy on our computers them selves. All around me, I see people speaking in de-generated "lolspeak" or what ever you wish to call it, using words such as "da" and then replacing words with numbers, it's hard to explain but allow a demonstration:
"goin 2 da mall"

How can one be, so lazy that he is sitting lazily enough on his computer, but on top of that, he fails to speak in a civilized manner because he is simply "too lazy" to type of "too, the and going"

Ask someone to search something up on google, the reply is an omnious "too lazy"
What? Why? You're sitting there, it'll take you around 2 more calories to go and search it up on google, how can you be this lazy?

Another good enough example, is people failing to read posts, looking for "tl;dr" [Too lazy to just type "too long; didn't read," really?] I sincerely doubt anyone will actually read this post thoroughly due to being, too lazy. This, is the decline of our modern society in a very specific example.

I don't wish to criticize anyone in particular, I admit that I myself do this often, but I am not proud of it, which sadly many people seem to be.

There are also often exceptions, I understand that people say "lol" as opposed to "laughing out loud," as these phrases have come to have a different meaning, with "lol" being an acknowledgement of reading, "I have read your post and understand what is going on"

My friends, if any of you have had the mind and ability to read this post, then great! Please I ask you, look to yourselves, look to your friends and find your inner laziness, and solve it. Will it really kill you, to clarify, speak, write a few extra words, use up a few extra seconds which you would other wise waste doing absolutely nothing?

I believe strongly that our generation has every thing really, it has the extremes of every thing. We have access to the greatest technology mankind has ever possessed, yet we often forget and get lost in our social circles, we forget our basic human morals and give way to the inner instinct, is technology the cause? Is it the way we are grown up? or is it simply just a few bad people that ruining Zammars' day

1 comment:

  1. Love this post.
    It's so true,
    but peope like floating in their lazy bubbles too much.
