Saturday, July 10, 2010

New Guitar! and Justin Bieber, korea? o.o

Sooo!!! 2 days ago, on the 8th of July, I got me new Guitar!! It finally arrived after like a looong 2 month made and it's half-custom. Haven't been able to put it down since, so beautiful and awesome =] <3 I should upload pictures but I'm not going to =]

I need a name for it...

Also, recently there has been a lot of craze about this whole Justin Bieber going to North Korea thing. I realize that it was a fake contest and hes using that as an excuse to not actually go

But its kindve funny that every body voted for him to go there. I think most people don't realize that if Justin Bieber went to North Korea and came back (which he would), he would honestly be more of a hero then anything. Really, like the first foreign musician to go into that country? Yeah.

Not really a Justin Bieber fan here, I can't stand his music to be honest. But I can appreciate him for trying and I feel bad for him getting so internet bullied.

Also, North Korea, a communist nation? Really?
Come on guys, its called the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea"

It just happens to have only one party to vote for... =]

AND HAPPPY BIRTHDAY to Nikola Tesla, one of my heros. This guy was amazing

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