Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Training - 18th Sep. 2013

Clean & Jerk: 2+1 @ (155,160,165), 1+1 @ (175,180,185)
Front Squat: worked upto 225x1 (yay!!), 3 reps @ (160,170,180,190,200), 2x5 @(115 for speed)
Glute Ham Raise: ~5x5
Rows: 3x10
Ab Wheel Rollout 3x6-7

Working back into the Clean & Jerk. It's gotten much more consistent with technique adjustments that are usually considered bad (i.e. bent arms, says something about individuality in technique mastery)
Still having a hard time considering a strong extension with precision in receiving the bar. Hopefully Power Cleans Help with this.

Hit a PR Front Squat of 225 lbs pretty easily today. The results of Smolov Jr. Could have been a fair bit higher if I wasn't tired from the C&J's.
Also, for some reason my hand hurt so I decided to skip Push Presses. Callous ripped on left hand and also some sort of muscular pain on it's back. Hopefully it'll be okay tomorrow (:

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