Thursday, April 21, 2011

And he steps once again into the realm of artistic creation

A few months ago, I made a post about my dreams of becoming a musician. I try to realize this dream every day and over the March break, I actually ended up recorded my second song. It's a rockish instrumental, what ever that accounts for.

Here it is:

Now, the quality in this song sucks. The recording tone is really bad, and this mostly due to how bad my equipment is. My equipment also caused a lot of recording lag thus giving me a very very hard time. That's why it's slightly out of time in a few spots, sorry about that.

How ever, this is just a demo and I plan to re record this some day with proper recording equipment instead of a rough improvised set up.

Composing this song was a delight for me, it took ages! There were so many different musical themes and various techniques I wanted to incorporate in it and it took a lot of trial and error with these. I made many nice melodies that just weren't right and at a few points I feel like I tried too hard to incorporate certain ideas that it could have done without. All in all though, I am pretty proud of what I accomplished with this song.

I know that it is no perfect creation for any one even remotely musically talented, but for me this was a massive step, I hope my faithful and much appreciated blog readers are able to appreciate this song, sorry if it has wasted your time if you don't.

1 comment:

  1. Zamar, never, never compare yourself with others. People may spend years on end on something and they may be much more ahead of you, but you can learn from them faster than they have discovered. Hence, in your field, you can soak up the information very fast compared to the amount of time it took to create such information. Your song is amazing, much better than anything I've heard by a 17 year old. Never give up on your dreams. You'll go far, kid.
