Saturday, April 9, 2011

And he looks down the long and winding path ahead

This post might be a bit depressing, it's really not meant to be discouraging to anyone who might actually be reading it. I know it sounds like it, but I hope it comes off more as a warning and a big caution sign. A way of saying that we need to work hard to get far, that's my message here, don't take it the wrong way. Sorry about how badly written it is.

Every day I read scientific articles about some crazy new invention or new medicine that has the potential to cure this or that. And every day upon reading this, I sigh in a sort of despair. The complications behind these discoveries are immense. Mankind has progressed so far that I can't possibly ever imagine learning so much that I would be ever able to create these amazing things/ inventions.

The amount of science, knowledge and immense hard work that would go into making a nano bot that can pierce a Bacterias membrane and destroy it from within thus not allowing bacterial resistance to build up as it is not chemically based is crazy. Think about everything we know at our age right now and multiply that exponentially and then take into account the massive progressions in science that would have happened by the time we grow up.

I read these articles and I just want to give up, there is no way that I can possibly achieve such results or greatness, ever. But then I think to my self that none of these achievements are made by a single human being but rather a collaboration of great minds. That these great minds have each specialized in that one discovery for months, years until they have learnt everything there is to know about it. Until after so much hard work, finally they have made a break through.

And then I think about every one else. Everyone that is working so hard and diligently on their own thing, but science or what ever their field may be is not in their favor. These people who I will never know or read about simply because they failed to produce any thing overtly significant, then I realize that this is the majority of the population in the developed world.

I made that entire thing sort of scientifically applied, but it really applies to every field. Every day I read about 14 year olds who've come up with these great entrepreneur ideas and even have their investors and everything. I read about some crazy musical prodigy who at 8 is easily breezing through Mozart pieces. The entire time, I just sit there and think about how pathetic I am in the over all picture.

I sit there, and I think about how long the path is ahead of me, the world has become so competitive that to be good, you have to be damn good. I often just sit and want to give up, to give up this hard competitive life, where I will spent my entire existence competing with others just so that I can compete with others just so that I can feed my self. This is survival of the fittest, or rather, the smartest. I don't mean this in a suicidal way, rather I mean I just want to give up trying to be successful, just embrace something much more lowly and maybe more enjoyable? But my pride won't let me.

I'm one who often wants to believe in the perfect world that poets, revolutionaries and story writers talk about. The world where hard work is met with rewards, where people are not judged for their appearance, where people are simply not judged at all.

But the harsh reality as I have found out the harder way, is that you are being judged. Everything we do, every step we take we are judged by other human beings. In return, we're always judging others. If we want to be successful in life, it is crucial to be aware of others.

I would love it if the world was such that I could wake up and come to school (or work in the future) with my bed hair and in my messy clothes. But we all know I can't. If I do, I am judged negatively, it is not representative of my character or who I am to those who know me. But everyone ends up producing negative thoughts, negative judgments that add up to create an over all picture of us which is spread farther through gossip and stuff.

Instead I have to put on a facade which does not represent who I am, instead it represents who I want everyone to think I am. I want to give a good impression. Personally, I would have liked it if my personality gave off the good impression and not my appearance, but that's just the way of the world. The harsh world.

All the hard work we do may never be enough if we are not connected, if we are not able to socially interact with the right people, if we are not at the right place at the right time. Despite what our reputation may become, we will be cheated on, we will be taken advantage of, we will be deceived by others. We will be used as a tool, we will feel that we are not reaching our true potential, we will eventually die.

Those of us who make it far in the ladder will end up being the ones who use others, but even then they will suffer at the hands of selfish mankind.

What will it take to get far in life? To die a success and not a number? Who knows? But the path ahead of us is long and hard. There will be many obstacles, but we will live on. We will be happy for those tiny moments where we are with the people who truly care. The people who know us beyond the facade that hides every person. We will cherish these moments in between the moments of despair and depravity that are bound to come as well.

One thing I do know, is that we cannot give up. Not for the sake of humanity, our families or our friends, but for our own sake.

1 comment:

  1. To die a success and not a number?


    MAD repectz
