Sunday, October 24, 2010

And he observes a common social effect amongst his friends

Wednesday 20th October was the day to wear purple so that we may commemorate the suicides that are caused by homophobia. To commemorate the deaths of regular people like me and you who felt they were alone due to a common social fear, who felt they had no other choice and there was nothing in life for them but to move on and explore that void beyond that tempts us all.

As can be seen by this picture, I did try to participate in this event. Sadly however, I had no real purple clothes hence I worse my closest (maroon) and added a sign to it (:

I have however come to learn, that homophobia is every where. Even in this school and country where all people are seemingly accepted without argument for what they are, homophobia amongst other forms of discrimination thrives. I mean it's easy enough to argue, you can go up to someone and ask if they are homophobic, you would usually receive a response in the negative, but honestly I feel that not every one truly understand just what they are.

I my self have gone up to many guys and attempted to do some rather interestingly gay things as a curious experiment, I wish to observe their reaction. Almost always, you would get the same reaction, one of disgust and fear in their eyes, the same people who earlier claimed to not be homophobic. How ever, I also have faith that if a homosexual person was actually to come up to most of these people, sit down and explain their predicament, they would be at least understanding to an extent they wouldn't shun him/her but they would definitely not reach out their hand in friendship. What most people also don't understand, is that initial shunning that I received, that from every body who did it would be enough to drive one to suicide.

Why do people do this my friends? Those who know that sexuality is not a choice, but rather something you are born with, why do they turn this blind eye?
Well I suppose the answer is pretty obvious and that is the social effect really.

I think most people feel that by not acting disgusted and what not, they send the wrong message across to their friends and peers and basically every one there. They feel that if left to even talk to this person, they would cause a drop in their own popularity. Yet it's a funny thing, because I think most people don't truly notice it when other people do it, it doesn't bother them as much.

Usually, people don't think about it, they just react accordingly to instinct, to what they have been growing up with around their friends and the popular media

Why do you do this my friends? Why do we all just try to fit the same pattern, try to be just like each other, to have many friends who think of us as just another friend? Why not try to create your own unique personality that every one sees, so that they you are so more easily identifiable and are thought of as more of an individual, why not be unique? Why just try to fit the popular trend, after all only dead fish go with the flow. I suppose most of my fish friends are dead then :/

I see it increasingly every day, certain friends of mine that change their routines, go against their nature and try to force something new simply to achieve a goal of appearing different in other peoples eyes. They say what would be expected to fit the scenario, to make every body else laugh instead of saying what their instinct and nature tells them to. This is one of the many sadnesses of high school, but of course I think I"m making it a bit cliche too.

Back to the point, homosexuality really is not a choice. I want you, my friends to think about it. In this society of ours where homosexual people are seemingly shunned to no end to a point where many commit suicide, what person would rightly choose to go into this pit of infernal hell and choose to be a homosexual? What kind of thing would drive them to it?

And another point, if homosexuality was a choice, then the bodies chemistry would remain unchanged. As in, men would still be turned on by women and women still by men even though they "choose" to like men instead of women. Assuming they choose, there is no feasible way that two men would be able to participate in sexual intercourse with their choice in mind simply because their bodys chemistry would not be triggered by a member of the same sex.

No it's pretty obvious that homosexuality is something that a person is born with. Many claim that "god" created Adam and Eve, a man and woman to reproduce, well did "god" also create mental diseases such as Autism? oh he did? When after creating Adam and Eve? well then I guess he must have created homosexuality after wards too.

I'm actually pretty sure that the whole religions being anti homosexual must have arisen during the middle ages or so to create a distraction away from the church doing what ever they were doing. But that's not in my place to discuss.

Now one can farther argue that homosexuality is something that one is born with, or that something that one chooses at what ever point in their life time. However, I do not see how this matters at all, to shun and disregard a person no matter if it's their choice or nature is morally wrong.

One must also keep something else in mind. Just because a person is homosexual, does not mean that they are going to run around raping and kissing every other member of the same sex as them. Homosexuality simply means that they are attracted to the same gender and not the opposite. I personally am not attracted to every single girl I meet, I may never be attracted to any one I do meet and if I am attracted to one, it is simply that one and not all. The same applies to homosexuals, just for the same gender.

Now back the previous point, we must accept all, Assuming that their choice or nature does not necessarily hurt someone (such as someone choosing to be a murderer), we must still learn to respect each others choices. And we must not let our social interactions get in the way of what we make of ourselves

You are who you are my friends, do not change yourself to fit in better socially or anything, humans are created with natural instincts, we naturally gravitate towards those who would best suit our own personality, those who would have best increased both our chances of survival in the vast African savanna. it is not something that we should force and change so that we ourselves may fit in. This is also not something that any homosexual person should need to lie or try to change about them selves.

Live your life my friends, die with your own personality, and not someone elses.


  1. I get the fact that the general public is disgusted by the homosexual actions... but at school, the topic of homosexualism took a form of a joke. and i know that you try to do some gay actions towards many students just for fun XD
    but of course people will get the general public's reaction - disgusted faces flashes everywhere. but the fact that you want to see something different from the people just intrigues me... i am personally not homophobic and i dont mind if two men are homosexuals. however, when someone tries to do certain homosexual actions on me, i would feel very uncomfortable. but i think that doesnt mean that im a homophobe...

  2. It does, because it shows that even though you know I am joking, you still act in a way that would seem socially acceptable, you respond according to the "right" response

    Now, if I wasn't doing it, but I was homosexual, it is almost guaranteed that you would not come up and be friend me, if I would talk to you, you would make the conversation short and try to move on to something else like you do with people you're not too fond off, you would want that we don't be friends

    That's just the harsh reality of life as an outsider to society

  3. See Michael the thing is, every one I do these actions to know I'm joking. They absolutely know it, and still they react in a way according to what society might expect from them.

    Now what I would better expect is for them to accept the joke and play along, like some people do. This would show me that the people are more accepting, that they understand beyond what society wants from them and they aren't afraid to thread their own path

    as long as society as a whole is homophobic, so too will most friends and most members of it =S
