Saturday, December 18, 2010

And he realizes the miracle of life

Controversial post: This post might not necessarily be very supportive of a superior deity, I mean no offense to any one.

In this post, I guess I'll be using an analogy of human beings and other multi cellular, complex living organisms such as rats, but the point applies to every thing
that lives, and even those that don't on this planet.

On Thursday December 16th, we dissected a rat in biology class. At first, I was amongst the many who were exceptionally scared of the dissection and rather "creeped out" by it. At the same time, I was also amongst those were very excited about it. I realized that this was really a fascinating opportunity to learn about anatomy of living beings in a first hand experience sort of situation.

The dissection it self though, did bring to my mind many old realizations that I have had before. But it really made me marvel the beauty and miracle that is life even more.

I was able to see how through the smallest invisible codes, nature is able to produce an immaculate, efficient and perfect system for sustainability and existence. Inside the body, you are able to see how perfectly everything is constructed. How the natural creation of nature is so much more perfect than the most perfect robotics any human could hope to build and how it's fueled and run on something that humanity might never achieve.

Humans have of course dumbed things down to a comprehensible level, but the miracle of nature is amazing. Consider for example, the liver found in your body. Is that actually a liver? No of course not, "liver" is simply a term given to it by human beings. In reality it is another component in a perfect system. It is a natural part that nature finds necessary to perform the functions for life. The same thing applies to the lungs, the heart, the stomach and so on.

This is a very hard concept to put in to words.

Each organ, each artery, each nerve, each cell it self are so immaculately placed by nature. They are like puzzle pieces that only together combine to make a perfect system, a system that supports living beings of different needs. It is almost, as if nature it self is like a human being, like the scientists who built the first nuclear bomb, or those who first discovered the cure for another dangerous disease, with long drawn out calculations and experimentation that help to find what works and what doesn't.

Is it not almost like humans are engineered by nature in a way of formulas and connections that for sure work?

But you see my friends, that is not the case. Nature is no human being, it is no living entity but some thing so much greater. It does not think, it does not calculate, yet...Nature has, through it's own natural processes figured out a beautiful configuration for a living being. It has on it's own, without a mind to think, configured and created every thing that we know on this planet and then the trillions of others out there.

Nature is able to, without use of a mind or any thought process or anything of sort, calculate perfectly the various functions of life. It is able to calculate perfectly where the human lungs are located and what muscles contractions will break down food to be used how by cells which travel to which parts of the body.

What happens in the womb of a mother, or in the DNA replication of a cell is truly a miracle of life.

Just sit back in your comfortable chair and think for one second. You exist. That's right, you can feel your keyboard under your fingers. Inside your body, the immaculate processes of millions of smaller living organisms continue on. The perfect system of your body if continuously moving.

But just the fact, that you can sit there and think, the concept of thinking. The beauty of existence. It is real, it's like a dream isn't it? But it is real apparently. The fact that you can see what you see, that out side the clouds, or the moon are in the sky. That you have friends who too are each a miracle them selves, that is amazing.

Like so, that spider I saw earlier today. Just the fact that it is in deed a living, breathing being. That it does feel fear and has it's own instincts, that it can see. That it exists, it's a miracle.

This is one of the amazing miracles of nature. Why things happen, how nature is able to manufacture such an amazing device that is life. How nature is able to cause just chemical reactions to occur. How we all exist, every thing in existence is like a miracle in a way.

I'm pretty sure that every body has thought about this before, or at least a lot of people have, it's something that comes to mind often when laying in your during a night of rough insomnia.

But this is one of the many reasons I'm so fascinated by science. Science answers these questions and though I am some what disappointed in the fact that science has killed humanities ability to dream by reducing those beautiful starts and the universe to mathematical equations. It does help to answer many, many of natures amazing miracles. It gives us an insight as to how it happened. But one thing it will never take away from us all is that it is a miracle.

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